Kinks are part of our lives, whether we wish for them or not. The human brain fixates on things. It is how we develop and learn. When things become a ‘chase’ for resources, those scarce things become a fixation, and can lead to some fetishes that might be hard to understand.
Throughout the ages, scarcity has led to fetishism of the scarce thing. From the obvious ‘exotic’ people who are different from those you are used to being around, to items that are imported and as such are rare or things that used to be common, but because of adversity has become scarce. The use of the rare thing has created fetishes throughout the centuries, some of which are quite bizarre.
For an example, because of rationing during the World Wars, food became quite an element in fetish play in Britain. Smoshing raised in prominence for the use of the rationed food items that could be found, wasting them in a sexualized way. The use of canned beans for sitting in, or spreading on feet combined several fetishes and made the rare thing, the rationed food, the star.
In the age of consumerism we are in, the Covid-19 epidemic has created another wave of scarcity. I have already seen toilet paper pornography, emphasizing the non-standard use and waste of a thing we used to take for granted. It has also raised the awareness of a few things that are tangental, such as infantilism with the use of adult diapers. The human mind is associative, and the lack of something makes the need to have it a driving primal force, and that muddies its self with other primal needs, which makes for sexual associations and kinks with the thing we are striving to find.
The cleanliness that protecting ourselves needs to work has also led to ‘dirty’ and ‘bug chasing’ videos becoming more popular. It isn’t the non-use of condoms I am talking about, it is a rash of amateur videos of people who say they have Covid-19 having sex with other people. There have always been bug-chasers, but this one is being documented. Not only is it dangerous, it is a way of mainstreaming that dangerous kink by having pretty people having sex for your entertainment.
In the future, there will be other things that are ‘exotic’ or become scarce. Those will then fold into the fetishes that are already there, with unknown waves of use and knowledge to effect what we do with that kink. We shall see.
Wash your hands.
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