« Posts tagged Group Sex

The Slave Assassin Chapter 10

Back to Chapter 9 - Just coming into this series now?  Start with The Slave Warrior


King Ifahyd’s rooms seemed to be not more nor less than any of the suites Laun had seen in the large Estate.  Except that there were guards along the corridor and his rooms were the only ones occupied opening up to the courtyard.  Word had been sent and, as Laun was escorted to Ifahyd’s room, slowly and with many pauses to let her catch her breath or just not look at anyone, a well appointed meal was laid out in the main room.

There had also been time to have Edgar called to attend his Lady Wife.  He had others of the Peaches with him, quick signs and words telling some of what happened.  Edgar looked around and did not see Gem and was told she was with the people who had been in charge of the Baroness’ lands.

“Lord Edgar, please.”  King Ifahyd motioned to the low couch next to where Laun was already sitting.  A glass of lightly flavored water was handed to him and Ifahyd took a glass himself.

Laun was seeing those around her, hearing those around her.  She just was not reacting much.  She sipped on the drink in her hand, a measured amount as she had learned when being around the Clapperless Bells as they were the ones most likely to poison, and be poisoned.  Verat saw her being cautious and stood behind her, quiet, but attentive.

Ifahyd took something from the platter and sat back.  It was a signal that others could eat and many did.  Edgar took several things and tried to give some to Laun, but she did not accept it.

It was not her normal thinking stare.  It was not what she looked like when her darkness would come up and turn her mind against her.  She just was within herself.  She did not want to react, interact or exist beyond herself right then.  That would mean accepting what had happened, and she couldn’t. »Read More

The Slave Princess Chapter 49

Back to Chapter 48 - Consider Tribute to keep the Web Mistress in chocolate - The OnlyFans page is now up with more than just words

Laun did read for about an hour after she had been back at the suite in the royal wing.  It was very dry reading and her eyes started hurting and her mind would drift making her aware that she really wanted to be doing many other things.

She was laying on the same couch she had been on before, propped up with a few pillows behind her back and a pillow under her knees.  She laid the book down and let her head go back.  There was a lantern put on the table behind her and she closed her eyes to not be blinded by the bright flicker.

“Have you stuffed your head with that crap enough for tonight?”  Hunter had been trying to read alongside of her, but had changed to cleaning his boots after his brain had rebelled on the way the laws were phrased.

Laun nodded and raised her head again.  “I’ll start again tomorrow before I go over.  If Falmir doesn’t try to whisk me off to the Moon or something.”

The military baring of the man was still there as he put his cleaning things tidily together, stuffing them in one of the boots.  He stood and was at a loose attention as he offered his hand to her.  Laun smiled and closed the book. »Read More

The Slave Princess Chapter 44

Back to Chapter 43 - If you have read this far from the beginning of The Slave Warrior, I congratulate you!  If not, start at the beginning.


The door opened fully and those inside took a moment from what they were doing to look.

Gem was surrounded on one of the small beds, Verat another.  Laun nodded to both groups and dropped her robe on the way to the two level bed.  She turned and beckoned to Ifahyd.

He glanced, but did not see who was there.  The Rosemond King was after one prize that night. »Read More

The Slave Princess Chapter 19

Back to Chapter 18

It was the same.  It was different.  Bodies were around her, moving and sighing, bringing pleasure to each other.  The same as it had been.  But different.

Laun had started by just sitting in one of the chairs, talking for a while to those who had asked to be with her.  They were asked what they expected.  She listened, heard what they said.  She told them what she wanted and hoped they heard her.

Clothing came off, the cool night letting some of the built up heat out as cloths were wetted and used to clean the day from everyone.  The dampness of cloths was replaced with wetness from lips and tongues as hands dropped the cloths to grasp at flesh.

The far mat was where Laun wound up first, straddling Fount as he leaned against the bed, the healer above his head and Laun in between her thighs.  Fount lasted longer than Laun had ever remembered, his attentions to her breasts seemingly more important than his manhood thrusting into her.  She sighed her pleasure into Kell’s flesh and found that the other sounds around her blended with her own.

Laun watched Edgar kissing Kell when she could raise herself that far.  He rumbled something into her neck and Laun felt the twitches he caused as Laun’s tongue explored the woman.  Laun held onto the bed on either side of Kell’s legs, Edgar’s hand going over hers more than once.

Ali sat at the end of the bed, watching.  Laun knew that Silar and the other assassins were there, somewhere.  Laun felt that she was nearing her own first peak of the evening.  She motioned to Ali who crawled over to the edge of the bed.  Laun kissed the stablehand deeply as Edgar’s hand replaced her mouth on Kell. »Read More

The Slave Lady Chapter 6

Back to Chapter 5

The morning was early for Laun.  The sky had started to lighten and she was able to crawl out from between...  She could not remember who had been in the bed the night before.  She had bathed and been scented and dressed in something simple, but that didn’t last long.

She remembered going through the Great Hall, the food having been gone for a while, but the singing and stories continuing.  She felt good.  Her back had a few warning twinges, but her energy was up and she did not even have to think about keeping the waddle out of her step.

Fount was there at her side as she went through the Great Hall.  She could smell the horse he had ridden under his own sweat and it was good.  Edgar excused himself from a discussion at the head table and when he stood, several others in the room stood and went to Laun’s side.  She may not have been aware of what she was projecting, but many in the room saw how she glowed and had that certain smile and tilt to her head that meant that she was willing to accept offers.

And she had.  Laun had been treated kindly, but with how sensitive she was, most of what she remembered was the almost continual peaks that the fingers and tongues had been giving her the night before.  

She smiled as she thought of Edgar, laying on his back, holding his hands up so that she could balance while she was using her leg strength to wiggle back and forth just on the head of his manhood.  She watched him as he was trying to hold himself off. »Read More

Slave Warrior Chapter 51

Back to Chapter 50


She hadn’t stopped crying since she had come back into her room.  There was no consolation that anyone could offer that made the hard, cold spot that had formed in her melt and go away.  Laun could not stop crying.

“All I wanted to do was hit him on the head.”  Edgar was both serious and trying to make Laun smile.  She barely looked up at him and the tears were still flowing.  Her eyes were red and puffy, her voice, when she talked, gravely.  There was enough snot coming out of her nose to saturate several cloths since she had started.

She blew her nose again and said, “All I could see was his body floating in the river, going past Falmir’s people as a warning.  It made me happy to think it.”  She had a sobbing fit and couldn’t continue.

Geralk was sitting in one of the chairs that had been in the corner.  It was next to the bed, the mat having been moved.  He shook his head in amazement.  “I’m just glad you have never been angry at me.  You took a fourth class assassin to his knees without really trying.”  He looked at her anguish.  It was plain and open, as she usually was.  “There are Master gatherers who would be at your feet right now.”

That made Laun twitch a smile, but then the tears came out and made it a frown.

Edgar held her.  It was all he could do.  He had tried to talk her out of it, but she insisted that if anything was to happen to the man they had captured, that she would do it.  She had asked that he be taken as long of a way to the chamber of death as possible so she could gather and prepare.  She had brought props that she had not used, planned for things that did not happen.  But what had happened had flowed and had shown a skill, a side of her that the others in the room shuddered at. »Read More

Slave Warrior Chapter 48

<--Back to Chapter 47  Please consider tribute.  The Web Mistress is low on Chocolate.

The tent was up.  Orgia had both the boar and the stag hanging from frames under the canvas.  They were still being processed, but they had been gutted and cleaned and the skin was off the boar, the stag still having the hide carefully carved off.  

Orgia proudly showed how the plan had been executed for the tents.  There was a tent being used as a walkway between the keep doors and the main tent, a series of boards being put down to keep any remaining mud from getting tracked inside.  The main tent had areas already set up, the plants that needed protection having little fences around them for right then.  A heavy, old canvas was under the carcasses, buckets under the heads to catch any blood.  Lanterns were being hung from the posts holding the roof up and several braziers were being set up.

Several smaller tents had been set up on the far end that linked into the larger tent.  One had some of the practice equipment in it, one had a few tables and chairs stacked in it.  The area was large enough that a full practice could be held, or a small feast.  Orgia was beaming when she walked over to the wall that backed up to the laundry and pulled back the canvas.

“I was able to get them to hook it directly to the wall.  Much more stable, and we can open the windows to pass things back and forth, and for some heat in the winter.”  Letting the canvas down, Orgia looked around and Laun could see some of the potentials Orgia now saw.

“Thank you.”  Laun tried to not look too ashamed.  “I am sorry that I forced your hand on this.” »Read More

Slave Warrior Chapter 39

Back to Chapter 38.  That was a good party.


From the many people who had asked to be in Laun’s bed that night, she picked a fairly large amount of bodies to be with her.  She may have been tired, but the enthusiasm of the people around her made up for it.

One of the young men, the stablehand who had petitioned her, sat at her feet and rubbed her legs as she sat in the chair.  It felt wonderful and the relaxation made her energy level go up.  Laun watched as several of the people kissed and fondled and rubbed.  It did not seem to matter if they were standing or lying down.  Laun had been helped out of the velvet dress, unarmored more to the point, but still had the under dress and boiled leather corset on. The corset had helped her keep her back from hurting, but it was rubbing slightly in places her mother had not had.  The hands on her were wonderful, and she was glad she had delayed having him with her so she could enjoy it more.

She stood and hands were on her to take the corset and underdress off.  With every layer and binding removed, she felt lighter and freer.  She stood naked before her people and felt the most her self.  Cool cloths with soap and water were dragged across her skin, cooling her down and freshening her.  

The stablehand took his own clothing off down to his breeches and washed himself.  Laun noticed and said, “If that is how comfortable you are, I respect your choice.” She leaned closer and said, “I’m not so sure about the other women.”

He shyly smiled and deeply said, “I said I wanted to be in your bed, Lady.  What happens after that is up to you.” »Read More

Slave Warrior Chapter 28

Back to Chapter 27

Adult content from here on in.  Like NSFW, but want a short story? A little hungry?  Try some Mandarin Beef.


It was the same sleeping chamber.  The same anti-chamber.  The same hooks.

It was different as there were different garments on the hooks in the anti-chamber.  Laun had not really realized until that day that the breeches the men wore had been to keep them from being too forward.  Though, as Laun remembered a certain morning, it had saved him from her as much as her from him.

There were already women naked in the anti-chamber.  Edgar and Fount were on their knees, both of them washing the legs of the women standing in front of them.  Laun had seen some people leave the Great Hall, but had not expected as many there as there were.  She also was not expecting the other wardsmen who were standing to the side, watching.

The lantern light was bright, not allowing the haze of darkness to hide what was happening.  It was what Laun wanted.  She wanted to see as well as feel and hear as much as possible that evening.  What she was seeing were two men, still clothed themselves, tending to women as if they were thoroughbreds.  They had their own styles, but just by tenderly cleansing the women, Laun could see how their touch was already bringing desire.  Nan looked over and shyly smiled until a fingertip brushed her skin and she closed her eyes.

Perhaps Fount didn’t need the lessons, after all. »Read More

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