The Slave Princess Chapter 18

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The storm had come as Laun’s body had told her it would.  The workmen had put up some barriers across the hole left in the tower, but some of the rain had been able to get in, wetting the floor some and leading to a small drip into Laun’s room below.

Laun slept the best she had been able to in a week before the storm, waking to the dark sky and wind sounds against the windows.  The drip was not obvious, yet, as it was hitting the rug, but she thought she heard something.

There was a little bit of fussing from the babies, but Laun ignored them and they settled down again.  She would have to feed and change them soon, but she wanted to enjoy the feeling of arms around her, Silar’s breath steady against the back of her neck as he lay behind her.  She saw the flash of lightning and started to count, the roll of thunder coming after a count of four.

Silar stirred and then Laun felt other things stirring and pressing against her.  She smiled, but did not feel as though she wanted to do anything with him.  At least not right then.  His lips started to press against her shoulder, his nose and then tongue tracing the back of her ear.

Laun knew Silar could feel the shiver that went through her.  She reached back and put her hand on his hip.

“Love...  Thank you.”

There was a warm breath on her neck as he said, “Anything for you, Mistress.”  He laughed softly into her as she arched her back in reaction to his voice and breath.

“That anything is going to be boring.  My breasts are leaking...”  She felt his hand go up her body and go for one of her breasts.  The linen between them did not change the reaction as his fingers found her nipple and rolled it between his fingers.  Laun sucked in her breath and had a flash of heat.

Laun put her hand over his, stilling him.  “The babies.  Though, if there is any left after them-”

Her body was suddenly tense as his teeth went for her neck and his hand pulled her into his chest roughly.  The pleasure of having her breasts and nipple fondled was replaced with a searing pain as his fingers dug into her.  It cleared her mind of any lazy sleep, sharpening her senses.

Her arm went over her shoulder and grasped at the back of his head.  A handful of hair was between her fingers.  She first pressed him into her, wanting to feel the pain, the pleasure that his teeth were giving her.  She then pulled at him, feeling his hair cutting into the creases of her fingers with the strength it took to make him stop.

He had cut into her with his teeth.  She could feel the sting of air over the fresh wound.  He was in a mood to play, but she had other things that had to be done.  Reawakening her inner heat was good, but it could not rule her any longer.


He released his grip.  “Mistress...”

Laun felt a flush over her as the need he was trying to awaken was barely in check.  She let his hair go and drew her hand across his face as she brought her arm back forward.  “There are other things to do.  I do...have to think of others for once and not just myself.”

He nuzzled her ear again and said, “Yes, my Lady.”

Laun sat and propped herself at the head of the bed as her dark man slid off the edge of the bed and knelt for a moment before bringing her one of the babies.  Sable was damp in her swaddling, but took to Laun’s nipple with little fuss.

Silar took the duty of cleaning and reswaddling Sable as Ash suckled on the other breast.  The man was not entirely lacking in skill, but he did treat the girl as though she was going to break if he did something wrong.  Laun smiled while watching his hand gently stroke on the pink girl with wet cloths and then wrapping her in a clean cloth.  Laun exchanged the babies again with him and held Sable as Ash wiggled around making it hard for Silar to clean her.

There were footsteps in the stairway and hall.  Some of the voices continued up, some came closer until Edgar was at the doorway.  He glanced at Silar with the baby but went to Laun, going to the other side of the bed to sit with her.

Edgar’s hand was damp, as was the rest of him.  The dampness went through the cover over Laun’s leg, but she was more concerned with his scowl than a little water.

“Are you well?  Did everyone come back from-”  He nodded and she let the breath out she didn’t know she had kept in.

His hand started to reach for her shoulder and stopped as his eye flicked to Silar who was still trying to get a clean cloth around Ash.  “The mission went well, they do not have a bridge any longer.  At least, if Lonn’s plans went well when the rain hit.”  Edgar placed his hand on Sable’s cheek and saw her wiggle slightly at his cold touch.

Laun put her hand over Edgar’s and moved her head until he looked her directly in the eyes.  “I am glad that you are well, my Love.  But, I feel there is more than just coming to tell me about the success of the mission.”

Edgar nodded.  “We escorted in a few people.  Gyrip is back, with well needed supplies.”  Laun smiled but saw her Love did not.  “A few messengers, too, including one in the Red and Black of Rosemond.”

A chill went through Laun.  “Where are the messengers?”

“Being held in the Great Hall.  The tent had been taken down and we did not want to split the group to keep track of them.”

“Sensible as usual.  Go get dried off and let Disa fuss over you.  You all deserve some pampering.”

Edgar moved and put his hand on her neck near the still oozing bite.  He leaned in and kissed her on the cheek and then the mouth.  “Are you well?” his voice was low and had the start of the rumble that made her insides jump.

She nodded in his hand and said quietly, “Yes.”  She saw his eye flick to Silar sitting on the floor with Ash in his arms.  “If you wish to know anything, you need to ask better questions.”

Edgar’s hand slid down her neck and covered the bite showing from the simple open collar of the tunic.  “Did he-have you slept with him?”

Laun smiled and nodded.  “We took a nap earlier.  But no...  I have not had sex while you were gone.”  Laun’s smile faded.  “It is as if no one wants to be around me.”

Something went across his face and he kissed Laun again, slightly more forcefully.  Sable gave out a small cry and Edgar moved back.  His hand went to the baby.  “The mission-”

“I understand, Edgar.  Duty is important, and you are the one who needs to lead such things.  If I could, I would do it.  If you all would let me do anything.”  Laun’s smile did not cover her sadness and lingering despair.

There was a slight look of frustration on Edgar’s face as he said, “You just gave birth, Laun!  You need to rest and take care of yourself and the babies.”

There was a flash of resentment, but it faded as she said, “And the messengers, if they are something I do need to deal with.”

Edgar nodded.  “Both were asking for you by name.  What do you wish, Love?”

Laun blinked and thought for a moment.  “There must be some clean clothes around here that I fit into finally.  I should probably get dressed for our guests.”  Laun nodded, more to herself than to her head Wardsman.

Edgar took her hand and kissed the palm.  “Should I wait and escort you, Lady Love?”

She smiled.  Shaking her head slightly, Laun said, “No, go get dry so you don’t get sick.  If you would let someone know that I may need a little help, that would be good.”

Edgar kissed her hand again and stood from the wet spot he had left on the bedding.  “I’ll see to it.”

Edgar left, a slight frown in Silar’s direction before he went through the door.  Laun clicked her tongue and the dark man’s head swung around to her.

“What is going on?  Why is he...why are you all being so jumpy?”  Laun tried not to raise her voice, but even quietly, the tone disturbed both of the babies and they began fussing.

Silar stood and placed the second baby next to Laun before climbing into bed next to her.  “We are all trying to protect you, Mistress.”

Laun looked back over the last week.  Over the last few weeks.  “Just like when I was a dancer under Lady Hellon’s protection.”  Laun put her hand on Ash’s head and the girl stopped wiggling as much.  “So I was let to believe that I was despised, was being avoided because I was repulsive and people just were trying to keep me safe?”

Silar’s head went down.  If he could have fallen to the floor at her feet he would have.  “Yes, Mistress.”

“Fuck that.”

Laun placed the almost sleeping form of Sable next to her sister and climbed out of bed.  She tore off the tunic, a trail of blood from her neck starting to dry into the linen.  It landed on the floor and Laun went to the water pitcher.  She drew cool cloths over her self to clean and refresh, Silar stepping close and offering to help.

Laun turned and looked at him.  Complicated emotions swirled in her before her head went to the side and he went to the floor, knee hitting stone and his head bowing before her.  She looked at him and then turned away, continuing to clean herself.

Gem led the assassins into the room to see the power Laun had over Silar.  Evan went to close the door and Laun held up a hand, nothing more.  He would not look at her naked form, but did not close the door to the hall.

The three knelt and waited.  Taking the position of Silar, Gem also bowed her head, the men following her lead.  Laun let the cloth she was using drop to the floor and turned to her assassins kneeling before her.  She looked at them all, Silar first, Evan last.

Laun’s voice was calm and quiet.  “I have been told that there are messengers who wish to talk to me.  Is this true?”

Gem and Hazalam nodded.  The blonde ventured a word and said, “One from the Capitol City, one from the King of Rosemond.”

There was slight sarcasm in her voice as Laun said, “I feel honored.”  She turned and picked up the silver chased brush Ithian had given her.  She started to brush her hair as she stood naked in the tower room, being watched by three of the people in the room.

Gem looked like she wanted to help.  Laun did want the help.  Laun started to step forward and saw them all start, a flinch that could not be masked.  “Have you brought something appropriate for me to wear?”

Gem motioned and Evan held out a bundle to Laun.  “Good.  I need help getting dressed, if you could.”

There was a swirl and Laun was brushed and dressed and ready within a few minutes.  The babies were placed in the basket and Laun led her people out of the tower room.

Several people had gathered just outside, wanting to talk with Laun but not wanting to disturb her dressing.  Laun walked and listened to the people, discussing matters about the household as they walked with her down the stairs and towards the Great Hall.  It was not a group of serious things, but they had been waiting to talk until she was available, not wanting to disturb her before then.

Laun was escorted into the Great Hall by a sizable group of people.  There were more people in the room, working or waiting or passing through.  There were nods to and from Laun, a few people being approached to have fingertips brush along jawlines or hands on shoulders as she passed.

There was a small area where the messengers were being held near one of the fireplaces.  Laun worked her way around the room before getting to them.  She made a point of greeting every one of her household who were present, accepting salutes from the few soldiers, before standing between the benches that held the messengers.

There was no mistaking that she was a leader.  It was not just the sweep of people behind her.  It was not the deference that she was given by all in the room.  It was the way Laun had prepared herself to be seen by the men who were now rising from the benches to greet her.

A soft blue tunic over a skirt that almost matched was held to her form by a long length of thong that criss-crossed around her middle and a belt draped over her hip.  Her hair was up, the fresh bite on her neck there for anyone to see under the bell hanging from a ribbon tied into her hair.  On her head was the three pointed crown from her Aunt, on her hip the jeweled assassin’s blade from her Lady.  If anyone was observant enough, they would see the slight bumps that were made by the straps that held even more weapons, blades and saps, to her arms and legs.

The Rosemond messenger dressed in red and black livery stood and bowed to Laun.  He had a plain cloth cap in his hand, though his tan line would have been more appropriate for a helmet with his short hair. “Princess Laun Desmond, I assume.”

She stepped to him and held out her hand.  “Yes, good gentle.”  The messenger took her hand, his closed fist supporting her hand as he kissed the back.

The other messenger was standing and bowed as Laun turned to him.  “Highness.”  He took her hand and kissed the back, his open hand supporting her fingertips.

Laun motioned and a chair was placed between the benches for Laun to sit at, giving neither of the messengers more importance than the other.  Gem placed the basket with the babies to Laun’s right, kneeling and being mirrored on the other side by Hazalam.  Silar handed Laun a mug with fresh, warm milk before standing behind the chair, Evan stepping to his side and standing with him.

Laun sipped on the milk for a moment, finding that it did not have the pleasant taste and feel it did while she was pregnant.  But it was what she had, and she was suddenly hungry.  She looked from man to man on the benches to either side, the messengers sipping from mugs of hot tea as she drank.

Turning to the Rosemond messenger, Laun said just loud enough for the small group within the large group in the great hall to hear, “I hope that the last part of your journey did not come with too many troubles.”

He bowed his head and said, “The weather had been threatening, but it is my pleasure to carry my King’s word to you, your Highness.”

Laun smiled and turned to the messenger from the Capitol City.  “How have the greens of the Palace faired in this dry spell?”

He nodded and looked her in the eye.  “Highness, it may be a little dry, but the winds have not scattered the sand.”

Laun hoped that her expression did not change.  She heard a little shift in the people behind her.  “It is good to hear.  I had been collecting some sand at one point to make an hourglass, but my source had been muddied.”

Laun saw a flick of an eyebrow.  “Highness, that is a shame.  I hope the message I bring will point you to a clear pool to take from.”

There was an open smile on Laun’s face as she said, “I am looking forward to it, as long as the pebbles are also clean.”

He just nodded and sat back slightly, sipping on his tea in a measured way.  Laun looked down to the babies and saw that they were both awake and wiggling in their swaddling, but not fussing. She finished the milk and handed it up over her shoulder towards Silar, not looking to see if he was going to catch it as she let go.

Laun leaned back and put her hands over her belly in a way that was reminiscent of when she was pregnant.  “Gentles, you should know that I do not take messengers in private.  Politeness in the countryside is in thin supply, as are a few other things.”  She looked from man to man and continued with, “If you are waiting to present me with a private message, you will be waiting for a while.”

The Rosemond messenger nodded and stood from his bench.  Laun heard a slight bristling, and not just from the assassins around her.  The messenger reached for a bag that was on the floor and brought out a scroll case and small wooden box.  Before the messenger had turned back to step towards Laun, Hazalam scooted forward and had his hands out to receive the items.

The messenger had a look of surprise on his face, but gave the kneeling man in the dark green the objects.  “Your Highness, my Majesty Ifahyd, King of the sovereign kingdom of Rosemond and the Island Principality, sends greetings and a token for your hand.”  He bowed in a courtly manner, his leg straight out in front of him as his hand swept towards the floor and then up again.  Laun saw thongs from his belt under the loose tabard, rope splicing tools on his belt and a thong with knots and pieces of gold for a moment.

Hazalam turned on his knees, opening the scroll case for Laun and bowing his head as he presented the rolled scroll to her.  Laun took the scroll, broke the red wax seal with the imprint from the King’s household ring, not the Rosemond rose.  Hazalam opened the box and paused as he saw what was in it before turning it for Laun to see.

There was a glance to the box, but Laun’s eyes went to the illuminated scroll in her hand.  She wanted to just look at the beautiful rendering of hills and roses, but forced herself to read the missive in her hands.

“Unto Princess Laun Dresden, Lady Salam-Dir, Betrothed of Ithian Bedral, Duke of Pearl and Ruby, does his Majesty Ifahyd Bedral, Duke of Pearl and Ruby, King of Rosemond send greetings and sad condolences.”

Laun looked up at the messenger who was still standing, a hopeful look on his face.  “Good gentle, you may as well sit.  I do not read all that fast and this script is a little fancy for my eye.”

Laun saw a pulling of the man’s dark blonde eyebrows together as he turned and sat again.  It was not what he was expecting.  Laun put the scroll between herself and the messenger and spoke softly.  “Geralk.  Verat.  Now.”

The scroll was tilted to catch better light as Silar backed into the people around them and disappeared.  Edgar stepped forward and took his place, though Laun did not see that.

“...sad condolences.  My cousin will be missed, though I am happy to know that he took a bride before his life was so suddenly taken.”  Laun’s eyebrow went up.  “Please know that you are part of the Pearl and Ruby household and are welcome.  I have been told that you are a beautiful, resourceful woman who will be a great asset to our Kingdom and household.”

Laun could not go any further.  She looked at the messenger and tilted her head.  “Your King says that I have been accepted into the Royal household of Pearl and Ruby.”  Laun heard a few murmurs and saw that the messenger was not entirely shocked.

“Yes, your Highness.  And the token for your hand...”

Hazalam held the wooden box up to Laun and she took it.  Within the red and black velvet, there was a ring of gold and pearls.  The center of the ring was not jeweled.  It had the household seal carved into the metal, just the same as the one that had sealed the scroll to her.

Laun laughed.  The messenger looked taken aback.  “Your King does not know what he does.  But he has reason for it.  Before I accept this, what is the reasoning for him to accept a total stranger into his household?”

A slight shock went across the messenger’s face.  “You married Duke Ithian.  You are now part of the royal household.”  There was a small helpless gesture from the man.

Laun went back to the scroll and continued reading.  “...asset...  household.  I have also been told that you have been left in a delicate position at his death.  I offer you and your child succor and shelter within my house.  Ithian was close to me and I wish to put his name to his child.”

There was a chuckle from Laun.  She lowered the scroll and looked down at the basket of babies.  Gem was being attentive to them, a hand being grasped by small hands as the adults talked around them.  “His information is not entirely accurate.  I will be sending a message back with you and I hope that it clears up a few misconceptions.”

The scroll was back up for Laun to read and she saw there was only one more line in the scroll from King Ifahyd.  “Within this time of sorrow, I wish to extend to you a hand of stability for you and Ithian’s child.”  Below was a signature and seal of the Rosemond rose.

  Laun handed back the scroll over her shoulder and the messenger’s eyes followed it, a flash of apprehension going through his face and a slight start forward as a random hand from behind the Princess took the velum.  He settled and held his tea in his lap and waited.

Laun sighed and thought.  The look on her face was pleasant and calm, though the bubbling of emotions that the thought of Ithian brought up in her made it difficult to keep the facade.  She looked at the Rosemond man in his Red on Black livery, the riding boots that still had a touch of mud on them.  Her head tipped to the side unknowingly as she took him in, a small smile starting in the corner of her mouth and spreading.

“You must be tired after your long journey.  I am not sure where we shall be able to put you tonight, but please feel welcome to accept my trencher to your hand while you are here.  The chill must have gotten through your clothing.”  Laun turned slightly and Evan stepped closer to the chair.  “Would you escort our guest to the bathing chamber, please?  If the laundry could take care of his soiled items...”

Evan nodded and said a quiet, “Yes, Mistress.”  He stepped back and the messenger stood, picking his bag up off the stone floor.  There was a bow from the Rosemond man and he was escorted out of the Great Hall.

Verat took Evan’s place behind Laun.  She saw and felt the difference in the man, an expectation vibrating out of him.  Laun turned to the other messenger and put her hand to her neck, playing with the scabs and the bell.

The messenger carefully did not look up to Verat behind Laun, though there were a few flicks of the eye that he caught, and Laun saw.  “My Master wishes to send you his regards and to let you know that he is doing well.  I have this from him to you-”  His hand went to his belt, pulling a metal container from the pouch.

Hazalam took the container and opened it, dumping the sand and paper onto the stone of the floor.  The unfolded paper was lifted to Laun and she took it, lingering her touch on her assassin’s palm, getting a lifted eye to her in response.

“Again, I ask that you take one of mine to you.  He is not an apprentice, but of my blood, and my apprentices’ own love.  I had been able to hide him before the raids and have just collected him.  My doctors say that I am responding well to my treatments, but the waters know that could change at any time.  Treat him well, Lady.  He has information on Rosemond and the workings of the Midlands that may be useful to you in your planning.  He also holds a bag of trinkets that I hope will be payment for your troubles for both of my best men.”

Laun put the note to her chest over her heart.  A smile played over her lips, followed by a sterner look.  She lifted a hand to Verat and motioned him to her.  She whispered to his lowered ear, “If you do not go and kiss him, I will be greatly disappointed.”  She smiled at the wide eyes that turned to her.

Hazalam moved out of the way as Verat went to his lover’s side.  There was a slight hesitation as the men became self-conscious with all the people around them, but the embrace and deep kiss told everyone of their love and commitment.

It was close to evening meal and more people crowded into the Great Hall than had just been taking shelter from the rain and wind.  The chairs and benches at the fireplace were rearranged, a small table placed in front of Laun as many people came to Laun to touch her and the babies.

Laun was still thinking of the things the messengers had brought her, written and otherwise.  Sand did not think he was going to survive much longer if he had sent his son from one hiding place to another.  Verat and Franc had not left each other’s arms even as the bench was moved from beneath them, their heads touching, hands entwined as they talked and sighed and touched.  It did not make up for months of separation, but it was a start.

The message and signet from the Rosemond King...  That was more of a puzzle and laugh.  She now had two Pearl and Ruby signets.  She had no idea how she would be able to use such, but she had them, one found and one freely given.  Along with the offer of shelter for her and Ithian’s child.  That was laughable at best.  Though, as Laun thought about it, if Ifahyd had been told she was pregnant when his cousin had asked her to marry him, it would have made sense why there had been a proposal.

Laun sat and held Ash as food was being placed on the sideboard.  Gyrip came to her and bowed, his cap off his head showing his scraggly red hair on his dark pate.  He placed a small pouch into her hand as he took it to kiss.  There were no words exchanged, but Laun smiled as he backed off again.  The pouch had a small amount of weight and a ribbon with a broken lock on the end tying it together.

Ash started to fuss slightly and Laun knew she had to feed her.  There was a cloth in the basket and she reached for it, dropping the small pouch beside Sable.  Laun  pulled on the tunic and thong around her middle and brought out a breast, draping the cloth over her and the baby as Ash latched on and started to nurse.

A bread trencher was placed on the small table by Laun, a mug of tea and a mug of milk with it.  A hard boiled pidgin egg and a cut apple were on the trencher, a show of how poor their stocks had really gotten.  Laun drank some of the tea as she nursed Ash, but did not touch the rest.

Several people were sitting near her, family, soldiers and the Rosemond man cleaned and dressed in borrowed tunic and slippers.  They all were quiet as they ate from their wooden bowls, looking at Laun as she fed her baby but did not eat herself.  Edgar scowled at her and Fount sat at her other side scowling at the messenger.  Laun pulled the baby from her when she determined that the child was not nursing but just playing and held Ash to her above the cloth, patting the small back until she heard a burp and then a little longer incase there was wet to come up.  Her breast was pushed back in to her loosened tunic as Ash was held to Laun’s shoulder.

The messenger smiled and said, “He has your hair, your Highness.”

“Yes, she does.  Her sister has her fathers.”  Laun motioned to the black haired man to her side.

The man from Rosemond stopped smiling.  His face dropped further when Fount got the hint and picked Sable up out of the basket and held her, their matching hair obvious.  Fount was not the best in holding the babies, but Sable did not fuss as he put her in the crook of his arm and looked unblinkingly at the messenger for a moment.  Edgar held out a hand and Ash was given to him, a more comfortable stance from the head wardsman as she settled into his arm.

Laun could see the glances from side to side as the messenger tried to understand.  She was distracted slightly as Kell came to her, an air of dispassionate efficiency in the healers walk.  She held a small plate with a pile of greens, meaning to place it on the trencher and turn without a word.

The healers hand was caught before she could lift it from the trencher.  Laun stood and did not let Kell’s hand go.  She put her other hand on Kell’s shoulder, sliding it to her neck as the woman turned back towards her.  Laun was insistent with her pressure on the healers neck and Kell stepped towards Laun and into a kiss.

There was a calm in the conversations in the Great Hall.  Laun tried to put all the passion in the kiss she should have before.  She felt the ice break and Kell’s hand went to Laun’s head, rubbing across the bite and clasping the braiding that went under the three pointed crown.  Laun broke the kiss and stepped back to her chair again.

Kell looked to the floor, a flush over her face.  No words came to her, but she did have a smile before she turned and left the area around the fireplace.  There was a slight hissing that went through the Great Hall and the conversations became loud, filling the room with voices and laughter.

Laun motioned for Sable, Fount’s face a conflicted place.  Sable was in her arms and then latched to her other breast under the cloth, Laun’s calm demeanor confounding the messenger across from her.

“Highness...”  The messenger was trying to come up with the words to delicately ask what he wanted to know.

“Please, I like straight questions.  What do you wish to know?”

His eyes glanced to where the healer had gone into the crowd.  “If Ithian was not your babies sire, why would he marry you when you were pregnant?”

A wave of quiet went out from the fireplace.  “Because a Rosemond official wished to take me out of the running for the crown.”  Laun’s voice was calm and quiet, even if the words were harsh.  She rocked slightly as a fussing sound came from under the cloth, but her smile was not forced as Laun looked at the messenger.

The man shook his head.  “That was not in any of the briefings...”  He caught himself too late.

Laun’s smile turned to something unpleasant as she looked at the man.  “The Ambassador who used to be the Merchant General would not put something into his messages, and Ithian would not have thought he was being played.  In the Midlands, a woman cannot be an heir, not just of the crown but of any lands or title, once she has been married.  It does not just transfer to her husband.  It is gone.  She has to be alone with her title to hold it.”

The man shook his head again, but more in disbelief.  “That is preposterous, Highness.”

“Not as preposterous as your King thinking Ithian and I had been married, Admiral.”

“How...?”  He looked at the apples and gruel in his bowl.

Laun sighed.  “There is little I see, but deception shows me where to look.  What is your name, sir?”

He took a moment before putting the bowl on the floor at his feet.  He stood, the slippers making it hard for him to do a proper bow, but he did so anyway.  “Your Highness, I am Fleet Admiral Killian Chandrey, Count of Pearl and Ruby.”  He stood and waited at something that could be called a loose attention, if he had been in uniform.

Laun smiled and nodded to him.  “You can now tell your cousin about one of my skills, Killian.”  Laun moved things under the cloth and brought a wide awake Sable out from under the cloth to be burped on her shoulder.  “One of many skills, some of which I hope you and your men never get to see personally.”

Several of the people around her smiled, some turned away, their smiles covered by hands.  A few sneered and Laun’s statement could have been read so many ways that Laun knew each had their own interpretation.

There was a burp followed by a small amount of wet onto the cloth.  Hands came over her shoulder and took the baby, another set took Ash from Edgar who seemed reluctant to release the child.  Laun moved things around under the cloth and pulled it away after she thought she was presentable enough.  She stood, shifting the knife on her hip as she retied the thong holding the tunic to her.

Several pairs of eyes went to the knife as it settled under her hand.  The Admiral had a start and took a step back.  “Highness!  Do you know the blade you carry...?”  There was panic in his voice.

Laun stepped forward and raised her hand to the man.  “Yes,” was all she said as she waited for the man to take her hand.

He went to one knee and took Laun’s hand, kissing the back before having a slight difficulty rising again.  Laun made a small curtsey to him and smiled.  She turned and let the sleeve of her tunic slide slightly to show one of the weapons strapped to her as she patted the back of her hair.

Laun felt slightly light headed and sat in the chair before it could show.  She reached for an apple slice and motioned for the Admiral to sit again.

“You are not the first to be...surprised by me, Killian.  There is much more to me than breasts and babies.”  There were a few chuckles among the people around her.

The Admiral took up his mug of tea again and leaned on his knees as he looked at Laun and the others around him.  “This whole land has been surprising, Highness.  Salam-Dir was the last reb...  Pardon me.  Last loyalist stronghold against King Falmir and now you are an ally.  With the defense I saw along the road, I can understand why.”

Launs mouth was watering as she reached for the egg.  She looked around her and saw several glances from her people to her.  She picked up the slightly cool and slimy egg and bit into it.  She had to rinse it down with a sip of tea to keep from spitting yolk at the Rosemond man as she said, “I may be their leader, but without the family around me, I would not have anyone, anywhere to come home to.  They are the ones who surprised those who went against us, Admiral.”  Laun put her mug down and reached to either side of her, Edgar and Fount holding her hands as she sat in the small group by the fire.

His mouth opened and closed and opened again as Killian tried to ask what he wanted to again.  “In the briefings I saw, it did say that you do speak your mind freely, and I can see that is the case, Highness.  Am I right to assume that the other...liberties you showed at the Palace...?”

Fount looked at Laun, an ill kept anger under the surface.  Laun felt a tightening on Edgars grip on her hand, but it was in support.  “I had many people to choose from to keep my boredom away while I was held against my will, sir.  If they had not wanted to be with me, they would not have approached me.  Is that fair enough to say?”

Laun had tilted her head slightly and was looking at the man in a slightly different light as he said, “Yes, Highness.  That is very fair.  Though there are rumors of some of the people you were with-”

Laun grasped her men’s hands and said, “I did not know I was under interrogation, Admiral.”  Her voice was quiet and her eyes clear as she looked at him in the firelight.

He sat up and held his empty hand out to her, palm towards her.  “No, Lady, no.  Just my own curiosity, since it was a goodly majority of the reports we received.”

Laun smiled, but it did not reach her eyes.  “That is one of my talents, Admiral.  I choose who I am with, they do not choose me.  Is that why you volunteered to be messenger boy for your cousin?  To see if the whore Princess was all the reports said?”

There was a slight change in the attitude of the people around her, the holding of breaths quieting the hall as they waited to see what was going to happen.  The Admiral flushed and rubbed the top of his head in a slightly confused way.  Several of the soldiers around Laun stood, peace bonds slipping from around dirks and daggers at the possible insult of their Princess.

The tea was set down and both of his hands were out, palm up to Laun.  “You do seem to send me to back and fill here, Highness.  I did not say that and I do not wish to offend you in any way.  You are the bride of my cousin, a distance favorite of my King.  My tongue is not used to having to be subtle for a noble Lady.”

Laun did not let up.  “I did not marry Ithian!  Can your spies not get anything right?  Yes, I have the shackles of a betrothal gift that her Excellency arranged for, but I did not wish to marry.  We already had come to a commitment between us.  I was not about to loose the Midlands because Falmir did not have heirs.”

He paled slightly but his courage did not waiver as he continued.  “But by accepting them, you did marry him, Highness.  According to the traditions of Rosemond, you accept the betrothal gift, you are bonded.”

Laun had to relax her hands before she crushed the mens hands.  Her voice was low, was a knife edge waiting for a place to cut and bleed.  “This is not Rosemond.  And her Excellency can go fuck a masthead for all I care.  Your King was misinformed about many things, including my resolve to keep the Midlands from annexation.”

He blinked.  He paled further and his hands dropped.  He had a problem keeping his eyes on hers, but he did so as he said, “You are certainly above board with your tongue, Highness.”  He gulped and his head dipped down.  “Please forgive me for making you upset with this information.  Sometimes I forget that I am not in my own country and that there are different traditions.”

Laun breathed for five breaths.  Those around her started to get fidgety, wondering what she was going to say next.  Whether they were about to disembowel a high ranked military man for her pleasure, or see her do it herself.

Laun stood.  She paused and took another breath, hearing those around her doing the same.  She stepped to the Admiral and held out her hand, palm up.  He looked at it for a moment.  “Highness?”

She moved her hand and placed it on his shoulder.  “You have done your mission, Fleet Admiral.  You gave me your King’s message and the token for my hand.  You have given me information I did not have before as I have given you some that you will be giving to your leader.  Deception has been too common and I tend to cut through it.  You are welcome to bed and board until I have given you the return message, but after that, you will be escorted to our border.  Do you understand?”

He nodded.  “Yes, Highness.”  He started to stand and Laun’s hand went to his arm, his body reacting and giving her a warriors grip before his mind could bow to kiss her hand.  She did not let go and her grip was tight.  He felt the weapon on her forearm through the tunic.  It felt right she would have it, though it made him feel more than uncomfortable with the assassin’s dagger openly displayed on her hip.

Laun loosened her grip on his elbow and stepped away.  “Now that we have that over with, are you a Sticks man?”

There was a relaxation and a few chuckles as Laun sat and ate as the conversation turned to more pleasant things.  At one point, Wanda came and sat at the feet of Laun, watching the adults still playing word games, but not understanding references through the veiled talk.  Laun stroked the girl’s hair absently as she leaned back in the chair, sipping on refreshed hot tea and talking of Sticks or naval maneuvers, but actually talking of sexual exploits.

There was a wetness on Laun’s tunic as she brushed her hand down her front.  She looked around and the babies had not been brought back.  One of the soldiers saw that Laun needed something and stood, offering help.  He was sent to find the babies as the conversation went on.  Gem and Disa came back with the babies, talking low between themselves.

“Thank you for taking care of them.  It was nice to be able to have a conversation without the babies interrupting.”

Disa nodded and placed Sable into Laun’s arms.  “They have been a little fussy, but good babies, Laun.”  The maid’s hand went to Laun’s cheek and smiles were exchanged before Disa grabbed Laun’s empty milk mug and left.

Gem put the larger Ash into the basket and sat, keeping the baby amused with strokes and tickles.  The cloth over Laun slipped at one point and she had to grab it before she exposed herself.  Fount held the cloth to her shoulder and Laun looked into his eyes.

Fount had a low tone that he hoped did not carry as he said, “May I be with you tonight, Laun?”

She felt a slight twitch in her eye as she looked at him.  “It has been a while, my Love.  Are you certain you wish to be with me and not Ali?”

His eye flicked to Edgar and back to Laun.  “The time at Nestwood gave me a kick in the ass.  I won’t be with her any more if it hurts you.”

Laun felt the sincerity in his words.  She leaned her head down into his hand on her shoulder for a moment.  “That is a sweet thought, Love, but I would not do that to either of you.”  Laun looked into Fount’s eyes and said, “You love her and I would not put myself between you just for my own selfish needs.”

He glanced down to the movement under the cloth, a slight look of disgust going through as he thought of her pregnant belly at the end of her time.  It passed and he smiled, looking back to her eyes.  “As you will, my Love.”

Sable was asleep as she was taken from under the cloth and put on Laun’s shoulder to be burped.  Gem took the small baby and put her into the basket and then handed the larger Ash up to her Mistress.  Laun swore slightly as her nipple was scraped on the edge of the neckline while putting one breast away to get the other out.  Edgar put a hand on her shoulder and then held Ash as Laun arranged herself for the next nursing.  He held the cloth up as Ash was prompted to latch, her dark eyes on Laun’s until the cloth went over her.

His hand was light on her shoulder as he held the cloth to her.  He leaned over and rumbled, “Shall I join you, too, My Love?”

Laun closed her eyes and said, “Unfair, Love.”  She looked into his eyes.  “How could I refuse?  Now that you are letting people approach me.”

Edgar’s jaw clenched.  His eye flicked to Fount on the other side of her.  He blew his breath through his nose.  “I hate it when you do that to me.”


They stared at each other for a moment until Ash made a small cry from under the cloth.  Edgar lifted the cloth from Laun’s shoulder and they saw the child settle down   when she could see their eyes.  She latched back on herself and stared up at Laun as she suckled.

Her man leaned in and watched Ash nurse, his hand lightly stroking along the babies light hair and Laun’s hand holding the child’s head.

“Laun, we were trying to protect you.”

Laun nodded and smiled at her baby in her arm.  “Thank you for your protection.  I do not know who you thought I needed protection from.”

Edgar turned his face slightly so only Laun could hear his rumble.  “From us, you minx.”  He breathed warmly into her neck, sending shivers through her before he started to list off everything he wanted to do with her in his rumble of a voice.

It was obvious to everyone gathered the effect the low talk from him was doing to the Princess.  She was coloring to a bright pink and was having problems keeping her eyes on the baby in her arm.  She leaned into Edgar over the arm of the chair, her head turning to be closer to the rumbled voice.  A smile was on her lips and several sighs came from her before she noticed that Ash was asleep and not nursing any longer.

The baby was detached, Laun not caring who saw her putting herself back into the tunic.  Gem took the baby and started carrying the basket with both children away.  Laun put a hand out and made a slight motion.  Gem nodded and continued on.

Laun saw that she had finished all but some of her bread trencher.  She was not as hungry as she had been, the conversation helping to fill her as much as the food had.  She handed the bread down to Wanda who gleefully tore a piece off it and then handed it up to Fount who took some and handed it off to the next person on the bench.

Her eyes closed for a moment, but Laun’s face was calm and her eyes sharp as she looked at the Admiral on the bench across from her.  “It is getting late and I have a damndable habit of getting up far too early.  Even before the babies.  If you would excuse me, Killian.”  Laun stood.

Half the people around her stood, some bowing as the Lady of Salam-Dir smiled and swept past.  Some followed.

The Rosemond Admiral kept to his feet as he watched Laun slowly going through the Great Hall, greeting and talking to those along the way.  He sat, feeling as though he wanted to run and hide, or follow her.  No one in his trip from Rosemond’s Embassy had seen through his facade as she had, and then to just casually talk of naval strategies and sexual conquests and of playing Sticks after keel hauling him...

One of the soldiers slid down the bench and offered something from a flask he pulled from his tunic.  The Admiral accepted after draining the tea from his mug.  He sniffed at it and his nose wrinkled up but he took a large swallow.  He sucked in his breath and saluted the soldier with the mug.

“Our Princess is strange, I know, but once you understand her, she is easy to follow.”  The soldier poured out a measure for himself and sipped it.

“Strange is not the word that was on my mind... Corporal, but that does fit.”

“She has put her life on the line for our King and has cared for my company when it was here.  I sometimes forget that she is not my commander.”

Another of the soldiers moved in and offered a small bread to the Admiral.  “She rides the company’s chargers like she was born to them and even when she was a month out from her birth time, she would push so that even those traveling with her had to ask for rest.”

The Admiral saw the men coming to him, surrounding him, to talk.  “From the little I have seen, she has a core of rock under her-”

“Sir,” one of the soldiers interrupted.  “Rock is fragile beside what she has inside.  I have had the pleasure of her bed, but she is not some doxy to hang on you, softened by our time together.  I know that if she wants it, needs it, I would be sent to battle and death with little but a blink from her.”

“And you would go?”

There were several nods around him and the soldier said, “Gladly.  For our Princess.”

The others around him took it up as a cheer and drank what they had on hand.


Chapter 19, where a night of sex brings the household more in balance

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