Beginning of the z-Grade Adventures
I’m not really into Westerns. I have seen the ‘classics’, most of them the so-called Spaghetti Westerns. And Paint Your Wagon.
But this was different. It had the actor who seemed to be able to see me in the grade-Z movies I had been watching. I had to see if it would happen again.
I had some ‘Cowboy Style’ steak and beans, Pupper more interested in the beans than the steak. I guess Coffee is a human thing. I had a specially purchased whisky, a little bit poured out into a coffee mug because I don’t have shot glasses. I found the movie on the streaming site and delved into it.
This… This was a real movie. It began with a sunrise with Him riding his horse against the pinks and yellows in the sky. There was a light music with bird and cow sounds over it. The title came up but was not splashy, just the title in a corner of the screen so as not to compete with the scene. I chewed on the meat and watched as His character rode into a dusty town.
There were scenes of the town waking up, boards being taken down from windows, doors being unbolted. Suspicious looks towards the Main character were really obvious. He stopped in front of the hotel, tying the horses’ lead to the post there. There was a guy in a chair out front who seemed to be napping, even as the others around him were being active.
The Main started towards the front door of the hotel, his saddle bags over his shoulder. The man in the chair pushed his hat up and started some banter with Him. There was something about not wanting strangers to stay too long, trying to put him off from staying there. Our Main thanked the guy in the chair and went in anyway.
The clerk was nervous, but ‘found’ a room and handed over the key, after asking for payment in advance. Some coin was put on the counter, the clerk looking at it and seemingly not wanting to take it. The Main ambled up the stairs towards his room.
At this point, I was both hooked and anxious. It wasn’t my typical type of movie, and I could not tell what was coming next. I guess that is why I like the schlock movies. They are so similar that you can predict so much about them most of the time. This was slower and was unfamiliar.
Though, I was distracted from some of that as he took a bath. Um… I didn’t mind that it was slow at that point. He had his saddle bags over the end of the bed, a revolver showing from a holster on a belt next to the bags. He was in a little copper bath thing that had barely enough room for his legs and butt while he was sitting there. And cloudy water. And naked. Naked Butt when he stood from the tub, water dripping from his skin…
I heard myself say, “oh, my.” And I think I saw him do a little hip wiggle. I giggled and ate more of the cooling food on my coffee table.
I almost went back to see that, again.
He was dressed and looked quite presentable as he was in the hotel lobby. He was met by several not so presentable guys blocking his way. The clerk was not behind the counter.
There was a scene where the other guys tried to bully Him into leaving the town, He wasn’t having any of it and quietly asked them to move. It looked like it was going to be a fight when the Sheriff came in the door, the other guys becoming all ‘shucks! we ain’t doing nu’ton.’ The Sheriff did the crossed his arms and watch the guys shuffle out thing and then turned to our Main.
Whatever nice-nice the Sheriff was projecting was gone.
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