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The Slave Assassin Chapter 26

Thank you for reading this far in the Chronicles of the Midlands.  Last chapter was Chapter 25.

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Laun could tell she was in a yurlodge, tied and blindfolded.  She hurt and knew she had been roughly handled after she had gone into the greyness, the stone floor under her not as smooth as one might think as it put pressure on her hip and shoulder. She had been able to stay still when she woke, the men she could hear talking among themselves, though it was frustrating as they were speaking a mixture of languages and she caught one or two words as she lay there, but not enough to know what their intentions were.

She tried not to smile.  She was bound and blindfolded, the bruises on her arms hurting under the rope, her head hurting from whatever they had forced her to drink.  She could hear the desert wind against the canvas of the yurlodge, the scuttling of a small animal close to her on the stone floor.  She could smell her own blood, but above that, flowers and men.

The remainder of her male disguise was ripped and bunched on her.  Sweat was soaking the padding around her middle, but that had been a problem even before she had been captured.  The glue that had held the whiskers on had pulled and torn her skin when they had started to fight her, pulling on her beard, finding that it was not real.  Then finding she was not a man.  Laun was happy she had cut her hair to helmet length, the shortness keeping them from dragging her around by her scalp.  Not that it kept them from beating on her before they had forced the drug into her.  She did get in some good shots before they had subdued her. »Read More

The Slave Princess Chapter 38

Back to Chapter 37

“I have exotics here, General.”

Laun held onto the General’s arm and seemed to have eyes only for him through her veil.  Alsen looked down into Laun’s eyes and smiled.  “She is a gift for the evening, Olwin.  But you know me, I have to have your girls.”

The man in the small receiving hall in the house nodded.  “Haven’t had you miss a night more than one in a row for a month.  Your usual room?”

Laun saw many hallways with many doors as they went through the large building.  The slave that led them through kept his head down but agilely went around other slaves as he walked.  The room was ahead and the slave opened the door for them.

The General caught himself before he bowed to let Laun in before him.  He brushed an imaginary thing from his leg as he bent over, Laun waiting for him to go in before her.  He straightened and went into the room, Laun bowing her head and following.

The door closed and the General looked around the room.  “No one else, yet.  Here, High-”

Laun raised her hand and went to his side.  “You were right, sir.  This is a beautiful view,” she purred.  She looked at the building that was about twenty feet away and a story down.  There were some lights lit, and Alsen pointed to one light in a window.  Laun nodded and looked as close as she could from where they were. »Read More

The Slave Lady Chapter 21

Back to Chapter 20


There was a bit of a shuffle of people in and out of Laun’s green room as she approached with her escort.  Falmir had bowed, touching his forehead to her fingers and left her at the front entrance.  As Laun had gone up the stairs, she saw servants who disappeared into alcoves and behind hidden doorways as she approached.  She had only seen the nobles before.

Bedding and furniture and other things seemed to be in the arms of servants as she came closer.  She did not technically own any of it, but she was sad to see the table she used as a desk being taken away.

Several of the servants made cursory bows to her as she passed them.  That was different.

Laun came to the actual door of the room she had been staying in and found that it had been changed over, and possibly for the better.  There was still the bed and the window bench, but those seemed to be the only things that could not be moved.  There was now an actual desk on the wall near the windows and a small, delicate table set along the window bench.  There was a real rug over the painted one.  Several chests had arrived and were being placed either in the bathing chamber or near the bed.  The bedding it’s self seemed to have been changed over, a different cover showing beyond the draped curtain.  The white cloths that had been on the wall for theatrics and light reflection were gone, a few long white strips of cloth being hung from newly installed rods at the top of the green panels.  The horse blankets were there on the bench, but folded and piled on one end next to a few new, large pillows.  And Ithian.  And the red and black dressed servant from Lady Engrid.

Laun turned and saw that the screen that had been in front of the door was folded and leaning against the wall.  She was about to ask to have it replaced, but knew the servants working in the room still needed to have free access through the door.  She felt she needed a little privacy, but knew she was not going to get it. »Read More

Slave Warrior Chapter 58

Back to 57.


Laun stood in the middle of the road in front of the gate into the Keep and held her arms out.  Her head was back and her eyes closed as the little sharp points fell on her face and melted.  The first snow had finally come and the flakes were big and fell slowly though the cold air.

Laun had been coming back from a walk to the gate-log to check in with the protectors there when she saw the first of the flakes sticking to branches above her head.  The  protector with her also had a wide smile, but showed they wanted to hurry back into the keep.  She could not run, but Laun felt happy and wanted to share this with people.

Even as a slave, almost naked and shod in sandals, she had loved the first snow of the season.  It was a change as the blanket covered the land, letting the plants sleep until the spring would warm and melt things again.  And Winterberry jam.

She felt a little dizzy and opened her eyes and took a large breath to steady herself.  She saw people coming in along the road and knew that whatever preparations they had been able to do were now done for the season.  The big flakes were coming down harder and faster and Laun could feel that this first snow was to be at least up to her knees by morning, if not higher. »Read More

Slave Warrior Chapter 46

Back to the last chapter.


Laun thought of the last few days, and nights, as she went through the early morning of the keep of Salam-Dir.  She had not slept in the chamber that held the recovering people for several nights.  She had taken a nap in the sun the day before on Lady Hellon’s Hill after doing some preparations and had been awake most of the night on the top walkway on duty with a team of protectors.  Laun had an energy that drew from the plans for the next few days, and the cascading lists of things that needed to be done that would not quit in her mind.  She found she liked the air at the top of the keep, the pinpoints of light, and the thought of rolling something wet down the wall onto someone’s head.  She finally gave up early in the morning and tagged off with a protector at the sleeping chamber door.  She looked in and saw the patients were asleep, Lucaris looking haggard but awake in the chair.

Lucaris made a good motion three times and Laun backed out.

She went to the Great Hall and wrapped her cape around her.  She was still bundled up, laying against the wall when Orgia tapped her toe inches from her head several hours later.

“Lady, missing something?”

Laun ran her tongue over her teeth and said, “A gargle?”  She got up and followed Orgia into the kitchen.  There was already tea and Laun held the mug between her hands to warm them.  A fresh tunic was forced on the Lady and a piece of dried duck meat found it’s way into her hand.

Orgia was having a low level grumble until Laun said, “Orgia, is it possible to reappoint Lady Hellon’s room?”  Orgia’s outlook was much different after that. »Read More

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