Slave Warrior Chapter 45

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It only took a few minutes to spread the word that Laun would like to have a meeting on Lady Hellon’s Hill of certain people.  Laun rode Grace to the Hill and only dismounted after the people she wanted were there.  She had asked for certain protector teams to join them and had them positioned far enough away that they would not be able to hear everything said.

Laun was shaken to her core.  The internal recriminations that sped through her were getting bloodier and bloodier in her mind.  The things she should have done.  The things she should not have done.  The things she should have known.

The bird had been put back in the coop.  Geralk pointed out that it was slightly too big to get out the fly-hole.  It probably saw the other birds, came in to eat and could not leave.  The messages were copied down, the originals given to Laun to keep.

Laun did not even bother to put another tunic on when she rode out of the keep.  It was warm enough for her and she was concentrating so hard on not breaking down in front of anyone that she did not even think to cover herself.

She looked around at the people under the tree.  

Dreng.  Her King, her Grandfather, her example.  

Fount.  Her Love, her light, her meaning.

Edgar.  Her strength, her protector, her lover.

Orgia.  Her continuity, her memory, her Grandmother-who-wasn’t.

Geralk.  Her teacher, her savior, her voice.

And then the two who had to be there.  Gismar and Sanreas.

Laun stood with Grace at her back.  Her eyes glinted and her scars were red on her tanned skin.  She nodded to Geralk, not trusting herself to talk.  It came across as a fuming, but quiet, nobility.

“Good gentles, our Lady has need to have this be a private conversation.”  He nodded to Laun and continued, his finger briefly under his lip.  Passing the emptied message container and copies of the messages to the others, he said, “We seem to have a problem.”

He let the others read the messages.  None of them spoke, though the looks on the faces were not pleasant and even the protectors ten paces away could see them if they glanced back over their shoulders.  The list was held in each hand the longest - the amount of grains, horses, potatoes, apples...  All the items came back to Geralk’s hand and there was quiet.

“From within or from without?”  Dreng asked what all were thinking.

“How to find out?”  Edgar scanned the trees and bushes as he talked.

Orgia humphed and said, “Not one of my people.”

Fount turned towards Laun, but did not dare approach with her in such a mood.  “Could...  Could it be someone observing?  Like the person who shot the arrow?”

Laun nodded but still did not trust herself to talk.  She looked at Dreng and then Edgar.  Grace stepped slightly away from Laun and tossed her mane at the tension.  Laun turned to the two assistants of Geralk and stared.

Gismar held his hands palm out to her.  “I have no idea who could have this information.”  He trembled, remembering the night he swore to her and her silent, but forgiving ways then.  The fury she showed, contained and silent, was much more frightening.  “Lady, as you will, I do.”

She nodded.  Her stare went to Sanreas.  She tilted her head.  Her eyes narrowed.  Laun just looked at him.

Sanreas lifted his hands, palm out and bowed his head briefly.  “Lady, I would not deal wrong against you and the household that has taken me in.  I cannot swear my life to you as others have.  I have sworn myself to my Uncle.  But please take this oath that if you believe I gave the enemy information, you may do with me as you will.”

Laun accepted the oath and nodded.  Her eye went to each of them again.  She was still hot with anger, but she was getting tired of it.  The voices inside were digging pits in her and filling them with more and more doubt.  That need below the voices pulled at her even if she did not know it was there.

She turned to Edgar and said, in such a quiet voice, they all stepped closer to hear her, “Start planning...  Have the protectors do an exercise where one or two people try to get from the border of Salam-Dir to the Keep.  The rest are to find them.  Give the protectors a call and response the quarry does not know so they don’t try to bring each other in.  And tell them that if the quarry resists, use of arms are permissible.”

She turned to Dreng and said, “Take the nobles to a hunt tomorrow.  I don’t care what the beast you track is.  Take as many of the new nobles with you as well as your trusted few as you can.  Take protector teams with runners with you.  Make as much noise as you can while you are on the land.”

“Orgia, I need that damned tent up as fast as possible.  At this point, I don’t care about the plants.  If you can save or protect them, do.  But we need to have a place within the walls for our training.  If anyone asks, it is for the King’s pleasure of his bride.”  Dreng started to smile but saw no humor in his Granddaughter’s face.

“Fount.  Lay in enough feed for the horses and mules for at least a week.  Expand the scaffolding shelter if you must.  Keep the mounts out to pasture for as long as you can today before pulling the line.  When you pull the line, bring it in, weight and all.  Talk to the smith about making some hobbles for the more docile horses.  And get the barding out of the armory.”

She turned to Geralk and put up her hand.  “Recreate the messages.  Rewrite them to indicate that Salam-Dir is other than the messages said.  Anything but plague.  If the person is inside, they know about the sickness, but the message did not say anything about it.  If they are outside, they would not know.  The list seems to be from observations.  Send the bird on its’ way.”

Her upright palm turned into an accusing finger.  “You two.  You will not be allowed to go anywhere in the Salam-Dir household without an escort.”  Laun whistled once, bringing one of the teams to her.  “These two have been threatened.  Protect them.”  Laun motioned and the protector team led the two away.

Laun seemed to take in the first breath in five minutes.  “I am full of fear and doubt and things that just will not shut up.  I wish Falmir would just attack and get it over with.  This waiting like a quail in the brush is maddening!”  Laun held out a hand and several other hands were there instantly.  Her voice went even lower as she said, “Help me.”

She had arms around her, an embrace that had people layered around her and supporting her as the energy from the anger ran out.  She was cold in the sunlight.  Her face was wet and she found that tears were coming down her cheeks.  There was a shoulder to absorb the tears and arms at her waist to support her.  

Laun was able to catch her breath and stood by her self, straightening up.  The others kept hands and arms around her and heard her say, “Geralk, don’t bother with the messages.  I want that squab for dinner.”

Orgia pulled back.  “Are you sure?”

Laun shook her head.  “No.  I think sending any message out is dangerous.  But now the other two think there will be one.”

Geralk leaned in closer and asked, “Why would you tell me to do the messages, then?”

“Because we only gathered the potatoes from inside the walled garden.”


Things are heating up as the seasons change.  Go to Chapter 46.

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