« Posts tagged Equipment

Femdom Marking

“That tickles!”

She stepped back and smiled, but her voice had an edge to it.  “Shut up.  Hold still.”

He was spread-eagled on the cross, the manacles barely holding him to the wood as she worked on him.  He tried not to wiggle, but the light touch was driving him insane.


A loud smack sounded through the room as she left a hand print on his bare ass.  “I told you to shut up!”  Even though she was trying to sound stern, humor slipped in and a slight giggle came out. »Read More

Random Pic of the Day

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Sometimes a power tool won't do the job.  A delicate touch and just a little lube will get the shaft into the hole.  But be careful not to force it.  It is always bad when you jam something.

If only Penthouse was actually like real life, would people believe it?

Story for Leathermines

Naked Cheerleaders.

Hooker Day.

Adulterous Lawyers.

Just trying to get a good hook for the next story.  All have some glimmer of a plot, some steamy scenes and a twist or two.  That is all you need for erotica, right?

If only the real life things that happen to me were believable.  Sometimes it sounds like a story out of Penthouse Letters.  This for example, the anonymous sub-



I went into a grocery store on the way to a play party, just a little late, but those things don’t really start until it has been dark out for a while.  I was dressed fairly conservatively with a long black wrap dress over my corseting and fishnets.  The platform heels were still quite striking and I know that the lacings along the outside were catching the silky fabric along the hem on occasion, but I just needed to get the cookies I had not had time to bake.  Typical for events like that.

Deciding between extra chewy and chocolate chunk in the snack isle, I noticed that there was a kid almost at the end of the isle staring at me.  I chose the chewy cookies and started for the check out.  I had to go past the kid and as I did, his eyes snapped to the shelf in front of him.  My skirt opened to show the top of my laced boot and I stopped right as I past him to adjust things before going to the register.  I knew his eyes were on me as I did so.

There were a few other times in the last month that I think I had seen this 18 or 19 year old in this store.  He was fairly bland, furtive with his glances.  Even when I had been wearing regular clothing, not the fetish wear I was wearing right then.  Some kids are just too nervous around women.

I stopped momentarily to look at a display of some vapid dvd’s and I saw out of the corner of my eye the kid scooting to the register.  I went to the only open one as he did and waited.  He glanced back nervously, his slightly long hair slipping into his eyes.  His hand wavered for an instant over the potato chips he had on the belt and then reached back and moved up the cookies I had set there.

I was... intrigued. »Read More

Tools of the Trade

Tools of the Trade

open collar and chain

There is an open collar waiting for you. »Read More

QR Code Business Card