Digital Chastity

He waited for the text.  It was getting too close to the bedtime She had set for him, but he had to get online to send a work email.  She had set the computer to shut off exactly at his bedtime and he needed to send the email that night.

He knew that he could have gone around the password she had set, but she had ways of knowing what he did, even beyond the key logger he had found and had disabled one time.  She had called him directly within the hour, telling him his punishment for not only disabling the key logger, but having been to the websites he had visited.  This was why she was his Mistress.  She was on the ball and more savvy than any of the others he had contacted over the years.

He looked back to the smart phone as if the glance would make the text come through.  She had never taken this long to reply before.  10 minutes to bed time.

He needed the password to be able to access his Internet account.

He took the time to rework the email.  Putting in a part of the project he had forgotten to mention before.  He looked at the clock and grimaced.  Less than 2 minutes.

The phone vibrated and he had it in hand before the actual ring for the text sounded.

One line, the password plus "It's their, not they're."

He was able to send the corrected email before the computer turned it's self off.  He sat there, staring at the screen for a few minutes, letting the shock of the text wear off before he started on his bed time routine.

He could not sleep.  It was even more direct than when she called him.  She knew what he had written.  And had corrected him.  He looked at the glowing numbers and tried to close his eyes.

The chime that announced that the computer was turning on for the day.  It was the best alarm clock for him.  Knowing he can get online within a few minutes of that sound did something to him to bring most of him awake at once.

He waited that morning.  He cleaned himself.  He dressed.  He fed himself.  He was close to needing to get to the bus to get to work when he approached his computer.  The email had been received, looked over and the reply was waiting for him.  He was happy as he went out to the bus stop.

There was a vibration and the phone was in his hand as the text came through.  "Congratulations.  An hour extra tonight."

He almost went home to masturbate because of the reaction the simple text brought out of him.  He didn't, knowing She would know somehow, and would not want to push it.

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