The Slave Princess Chapter 21

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It was later in the morning than she normally would wake.  It was the hushing of voices that brought her fully from sleep, though she tried not to move.  She had slept in the chair by the fire in the Great Hall, a blanket and small sheep hide placed on her at some point.  The fire was being stoked, logs being brought past her quietly, though it was hard to keep the clunk of wood on stone quiet.

Laun opened her eyes and watched the people around her as they worked.  She felt something odd in her neck with the angle she had been in for a while and could not suppress a slight groan as she tried to move her head.

“Mornin’, Laun.”  Several others greeted her and voices raised when they knew she was awake.  There were shuffles around her as the people who woke the keep’s fires for the morning went about their duties.  Lucaris came to Laun, a tired look on her face and a wide awake baby in her hands.  Sable was plugged into a nipple and Laun kept watching those around her as she nursed.

Sable grabbed at Laun’s hair, pulling it strongly.  It took several tries to get the hair out of the baby’s hand and out of range.  Laun felt a little crabby but could not hold something like that against the baby.  She was testing herself, her limits, as well as those around her.  Exactly what Laun was doing every day.

Sable pulled away and started fussing.  She was done nursing and wanted away from the breast.  Laun put her on her shoulder and the baby calmed, looking around a bit with Laun’s hand supporting her.  There was a small burp.  Sable kicked through the swaddling and made a few plaintive mewling cries.

Laun crossed her legs and put Sable in the crook of her knee.  The small brownish green eyes looked up at her and watched as Laun made faces.  There were smiles from the baby and Laun was happy to have the small bundle.

Ash was presented to her and Laun took her, not having to do anything but press her nipple to the child’s cheek before Ash turned her head and latched on.  An arm held Ash, her small feet against the back of the chair, and a hand was on Sable, keeping her from sliding from Laun’s lap.  There were no cloths to cover, though the blanket was still over Laun’s legs, a slight hammock under Sable’s butt.

A mug of tea was put on a small table next to Laun.  She did not see who had brought it but was glad for it.  She could not attempt to drink it right then, but the promise of it whetted Laun’s appetite.  She had not really eaten since mid day the day before, and the water and ale she had was not nearly enough.  Laun knew she had to eat.  It was for the babies more than for herself.

Hands came and took Sable from her lap and then Ash from her arm.  Ash fussed slightly but Laun heard a good burp and the fussing stopped.  Laun sipped on the hot tea and enjoyed the mint and berry scents and taste as she sat in the chair.  

She saw staff already heading out to the harvest house to get things for the day’s meals.  She heard calls in the kitchen for things, voices raised when something was placed badly on a hearth.  Baskets with linens piled high came through the Great Hall, carried by two women who seemed to have a mission in their step.  A few Protectors coming in from duty sat on the benches across from Laun, mugs of tea pressed into their hands.

One nodded to Laun and said, “Down early, Laun?”

“Never went up.”

The other Protector nodded and said, “I’ve had nights like that.  Though last night I could have done with some sleep.”

He was poked in the arm by his companion.  “You were asleep.  You just were walking at the time.”  They laughed and Laun used her mug to salute them.  They all drank and Laun was comfortable to listen to them banter about how awake or asleep they had been on their shift.

Her body made a set of needs clear to her and Laun stood, the blanket falling to the floor.  She pulled on the tunic that was draped over the back of the chair, but she felt a stinging on her back as the fabric slid down.  She reached around and felt a small wetness on her fingers and saw blood when she brought them around.

The tree.  Laun colored slightly.  She would need to get the scratches tended to, but after her trip to the privy.  Laun nodded to the Protectors who were still blaming each other’s sleepwalking for loosing their way sometime in the night and winding up in the Quarry.

From the Great Hall to the Privy, Laun was greeted by a few people, but no one seemed to need her for a discussion right then.  She was glad as her bladder made it painfully clear that she had limited time to get to the proper place to deal with it.  For once, she cut in line and took the seat before many others, a sigh of relief causing many in line to laugh, some to grumble.  It took her bladder til the count of fifteen to empty, Laun waiting just a few counts more to make sure.  She wiped and came out, thanking the next person in line for their patience.

She made her way to the tower room and paused at the door.  It looked like there had been quite a party in the room in the night.  At least ten bodies were piled on the bed and the floor that she could see, arms and legs entwined and heads propped at angles on anything, or any body, available.

Laun took the tunic she had off and dumped it on the pile next to the door.  She went to the arming tree and pulled the wooden practice swords out from behind it.  No one was on the rug by the window, so Laun stretched slightly and started in on a form she had been thinking about for a while.

She went slowly, moving a wooden sword in each hand as she did some simple footwork.  She felt the scratches on her back, the unused muscles in her sides.  She turned and almost lost one of the swords from her off-hand.  Laun went to just moving with the swords trying to feel what she could do.

Her knee gave a twinge on a turn and Laun stopped.  She had not had that happen before.  Her body was falling apart.  She tried the turn again and the same twinge happened.  She would have to remember not to do that.

Laun saw several bleary eyes looking at her from the piles of people.  The swords went to the floor and Laun bowed to them.  She started on a form she knew she could do well.  They were all still asleep, even if they were looking at her through wincing eyelids, so she did not have the same feeling she had when people watched her when she usually practiced.

She went through the form and stretched again, feeling a few places that had started to tense up while she was moving.  She took first position again and started on the form, speeding it up slightly to get a warmth in her muscles.

She turned and she felt her knee twinge again.  She did not stop, but changed how she moved with the turn, hopping slightly to keep the knee from twisting.  It was being annoying and she knew that if she felt the twinge again, she could pop her knee out.

She came to the end of the form and turned to see several people sitting and watching.  Silar was kneeling as he usually was, but a few different people were there and Laun felt a flush go over her.  To cover, she stepped to Silar and pointed at the knee that was giving her problems.

“When I turn, the side hurts, like it is about to pop out.”

His hands felt along her leg, poking until she winced.  His face may still have been veiled in sleep, but his knowledge of her body was fully awake.  He stroked up the muscle and felt around her knee.  “Your muscles are not in balance.  This muscle is stronger than this one-” he stroked his fingers along the muscles he was concerned about.  “That means you are pulling too much and you will be hurting more if you don’t strengthen it.”

Laun could understand his reasoning.  “You recommend...?”

Laun saw a small wicked flash of a smile and jumped out of range of his hand before he was able to drag her to him.  “Mistress, it is a strengthening exercise.”

“I do not have time for that particular exercise.  What else would work?”

He smiled.  “If I may show you...  Your back-”

Laun nodded.  “I’ll get that looked at later.  It is minor.  Show me.”

Silar stood, as naked as she was.  He positioned himself and made a few motions that just looked like he was swaying back and forth.  Laun took the position and felt how it looked like nothing, but she could feel the muscle that needed the work immediately.  Silar changed his footing slightly and started with some arm movements.  Laun followed and could feel other muscles she had been neglecting get used.

Several people stood and followed along.  There were others who just lay and watched.  One man stood, grabbed what could have been his clothing and left.

Laun missed a change in footing as she realized that it had been Dougal.  He had kept low while the Admiral was there and Laun had not seen him at the celebration after the blessing.  He had been in her bed and she had missed it.

Laun begged out of more of the exercises Silar was showing them to cover her inattentiveness.  She poured some water for herself and sat, watching the people doing the flowing movements together.  Dougal had been in her bed.  If she had gone up after feeding Ash, would he have been there?  Would he have left or would she-

Laun rubbed her face with a little of the water.  She could not think like that.  Curiosity would be her undoing, and she could not think of her cousin that way.  They had the same eyes.  They had the same hair.  They had the same blasted nose.  It might be interesting, but she had to remember that he was her close cousin.  He was as much off limits as Falmir was.  More so since he was still under her roof.

Laun smiled and clapped as Silar showed a move to the people around him, showing his strength and agility.  A few prods and one of the men tried to do the same move and nearly took out several of the onlookers when he failed to keep his balance.  There was laughter and people started to find clothing to put on.

Clothing was what Laun had really come to the room for.  She nodded to many who were leaving, touched hands with some.  There were far fewer people in the room when she stood again and went to her small chest of clean things.

Silar stayed.  He helped her tie her halter and his fingers gently stroked down her back alongside the scratches from the apple tree.  Gem stayed.  She helped Laun tie a skirt on and kissed her Mistress deeply, still tasting of the men she had been with just hours before.  Hazalam stayed.  His hands washed Laun’s feet and then put sandals on them, lingering and stroking further up her leg than needed, but it was wanted.  Evan stayed.  He held back, not quite knowing where he fit in, but was happy to help Laun stand from her chair and get a small kiss on his cheek in reward.

Laun directed the four of them to strip the linens from the bed and mats.  They dressed in what they could before the garments strewn about were bundled with the rest of the dirties.  The assassins helped to straighten out the room, finding a few tankards where they were not supposed to be.

They all carried things out of the room and down to the Great Hall, taking the dirties and just not appropriate things to where they could be cleaned.  Many people were up and talking and having the breakfast gruel as Laun came back out from the kitchens.  There had not been enough ale to get too many people drunk enough to have hangovers, though Laun saw a few soldiers at attention along one wall with pained expressions and knew they were there for more punishment than their bodies had already given them.  Laun made her way through the room, greeting and being greeted by those there.  Kell looked like she had imbibed too much, but she was sharp and made Laun sit on a bench while the healer went and found things to attend to Laun’s scratches.

A cold cloth washed the dried and drying blood from Laun’s back, a slight stinging making Laun tense a bit, but she did not flinch.  A few slivers were pulled from the wounds and Kell made a tisking sound when she could not get one of the small pieces out.  A tincture of something made Laun suck her breath in through her teeth when Kell dabbed it on, the smell a combination of something sour and wintergreen.  The smell took Laun’s mind back to the sick room and she had to suppress an urge to throw up for a moment.

Laun thanked the healer and kissed her, Kells hands going to Laun’s hips and pulling her in.  The professional facade was still there, but it had so many cracks that Kell’s needs and desires were showing through clearly.  Laun put a hand on Kell’s cheek and drew her fingers along her jaw before moving on through the crowd of household around them.

Laun came to the soldiers.  Corporals, a Private.  The leader of the squads was there and stood at attention as Laun went down the line of battered looking men.  They were all in their best uniforms, some their only uniform.  Laun saw the pain of hangover and she knew that the wintergreen smell that she carried with her was not helping their concentration.

Turning, Laun smiled at the Sergeant who led the squads.  “You are reporting them here for their indiscretions last night?  Or is it more, such as the brew they have been making?”

The Sergeant’s posture became slightly taller and straighter.  “Your Highness, they have more than that against them, but those are the most prominent ones.”

Laun looked at the four soldiers against the wall again.  She took her time, noting the tools on their belts, the muscles under their tunics.  She also saw the red eyes, the breath that competed with the wintergreen and the unfocused glaze over many of their eyes.

“Sergeant, what is your thought as to punishment?  Is there a duty roster or something that us usually done?”

“Ma’am, I would normally deal with this myself, but I found that they were using household stores to make their drink.”

Laun rounded on the men along the wall.  She showed her temper and the closest man to her tried to shrink away while still keeping his stance.  Laun crossed her arms and stood, looking at the men.  She did not say anything and her very stillness brought attention and quiet to those around her.  The scratches on her back started to itch and she flexed her back, making several of the men jump in their own skins.

Laun breathed in and out for a count of ten before she was calm enough to say anything.  The men were starting to fidget, any vagueness in their eyes gone as they tried to tell what their Princess was about to do to them.

There was a sigh and Laun tipped her head forward.  “I am...disappointed.”  Laun glanced up after a second and saw the looks of fright on the four men’s faces.  One of the Corporals looked like he wanted to step forward but just wavered in his spot.  Laun raised her head and looked at him, making his head bow to get away from her stare.

It was only a step, but Laun made it take the count of three breaths to go to in front of the one who’s head was bowed.  She paused and then moved quickly.  All four of the men on the wall, and several around in the Great Hall, winced as Laun clapped her hands together once, the sound loud and painful even to those not suffering from their drink from the night before.  The Corporal’s head went up and Laun could see the pain in his eyes.  It gave her a rush and the thrill made it hard for her to keep the stern look on her face.

“You.  Tell me your part of this.”

He bobbed his head and said in a voice that was clear, but became softer as he spoke, “Ma’am, I created the still, made with parts from our own mess.”

Laun looked at the tools on his belt that showed that he was a woodworker.  “And where did you find the supplies to turn to your mash?”

One of the other men spoke up, saying, “Ma’am, the harvest house, ma’am.”

Laun put her hands behind her and clasped them together.  She wanted to slap each of them and needed to restrain herself.  She turned and stepped to the man who had spoken without being spoken to.  “Since you are volunteering your information, how much did you take to make your drink?”

She saw sweat on his freshly shaven upper lip.  “Two bushels of grain and a peck of apples.  Ma’am.”  There was grumbling from the household.

Laun had to close her eyes and relax her jaw to keep from grinding her teeth.  She opened her eyes and he flinched.  Laun stepped down the line and looked at the other two men for several breaths each before turning away.

Her voice was calm and quiet as she said, “Sergeant, may I punish them?”  Laun heard a giggle from someone in the room and tried to not smirk.

The Sergeant nodded once and said, “I leave their corrections in your hands, my Princess.”

Laun’s eyebrow went up.  “Is there a sample of what they made here?”  She heard one of the men move and she turned to see a metal flask in his hand.  She reached for it and he almost dropped it before she had ahold of the container.  Laun pulled the cork and took a sniff, smelling not much of anything.  She tilted her head and smiled at the man before bringing it to her lips and taking a swig.

She had taken a breath before pressing the flask to her lips.  She did not have as much as it looked like and she blew out through her mouth to keep from choking on the drink.  She heard a few chuckles behind her and the eyes of the soldier in front of her widened as she stood there not reacting to his liquor.

The cork was on the flask and Laun held it out, calling for Kell.  The healer took it and took a sniff of it, making a rude remark behind her hand before taking a sip.  She started to cough and laughter went through the room.

Laun stepped back and looked at the men.  She breathed in through her mouth several times to clear her throat before saying, “I am still disappointed.”

More laughter went through the room and Laun could hear the Sergeant joining in.  Laun wanted to scratch at her back as it was starting to really itch, but that just made her slightly crankier as she thought and looked at the waiting men.

“You stole.  You stole from my household, my family, food that would have fed us for a day so you could drink for a night.”  Laun saw shame on the men and a slight coloring on a few faces.  “We have a punishment in this household for those who steal, those who hoard.”

She turned to the household around her and saw knowing looks and wicked smiles.  Laun turned back and put her arms together under her halter, over her stomach.  She knew that her cleavage was well accentuated, making what she was about to say dig in just a little further.

“The four of you are shunned for a full month.  You will work. You will eat.  You will sleep, but you will sleep alone.  If you have had the pleasure of sharing a bed with any of my household, think well on it for you will not be allowed that pleasure until the moon has become full twice.”

There were a few whistles from the group.  Laun held up a hand and the noises stopped.  “Your still will not be dismantled, but the healers will take control of it.  Since you seem to wish to provide a powerful drink, you will all work in the kitchens to help prepare the next batch of ale for the household.  When you are not in the kitchens, you will be in the harvest house, cleaning and bundling and threshing that which is being harvested.”  Laun stepped forward and the four men all wanted to step back, even with the wall behind them.  “If you are found out of quarters when you are supposed to be in your kit, you will be brought to me and I will actually punish you.”

Sweat was running down the sides of their faces.  Laun saw legs trembling.  One of the men seemed to be more pale than when she had first stepped up to them.  Laun smiled and she saw jaws clench.

“Do you understand?”  Laun’s voice was quiet.

The four all raised their chins just a little, standing just a little taller as they said in chorus, “Ma’am, yes ma’am!”

Laun nodded.  “Good.  Now get out of here.  I am angry enough that I may forget myself, and I don’t want bloodshed today.”

There was fright again as they turned at the Sergeant’s call.  They were given space to march out of the Great Hall.

It had been quiet as Laun had dealt with the four.  The Great hall erupted as Laun turned and smiled to those around her.  She let the noise go for a while, several people coming to her and leaning in to tell her that it was a good punishment.

A hand went up and those around Laun quieted.  The quiet spread until there were only a few voices, and noise from the kitchen.

“Now that I have your attention-”  There was laughter until Laun raised her hand again.  “As I was saying.  What issues, other than preparing for a hunt for venison, is up for this meeting?”


Chapter 22, where there is a surprise supply caravan.

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