The Slave Lady Chapter 52

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The procession from the Manor of the Hawkwell lands was early in the morning, but it was full of more people and ceremony than Laun had expected.  Most, if not all, of the soldiers were in formation and saluted as she passed them on Thunder.  Falmir was beside her on his newly won mount, but it was Laun that the soldiers were acknowledging.

Laun waved to each section of men and they gave a small cheer as she passed.  She was happy it did not happen more than three times.  It made her red, but it also made her grin like an idiot.

They were past the soldiers and almost to the edge of the lands when a halt was called.  The order of the group was changed, Falmir gave his daughter one more hug and they rode on past him.  Laun dropped the lead to the charger and let him follow the other horses.  She felt and let the tears come out as they passed the outer marker of the Hawkwell lands.  She tried to turn to see if she could see anyone or anything behind, but the road curved and it was just low hills and trees behind.

They stopped several times at the whim of Laun’s back and bladder, but made excellent time through the Midlands West of the manor.  Laun had created a map for herself of the route, going through more than ten map folios and Kingdom cartographic histories to do so.  She had shown it to Falmir the night before and told him that was one of the things lacking in the Midlands, accurate maps.

It was about five bells in the afternoon, the heat was starting to lighten up slightly with a moisture-laden wind from the Northwest.  Laun smelled the storm, felt the relief it brought, but also the danger that was behind it.  Laun looked at the map and they were still at least several hours away from Marie’s Inn.

A halt was signaled and there was a short conference.  A few of the squad rode in several directions and came back with scouting information.  Where they had stopped was not good for camping, somewhere else had to be found.

Laun walked some to get blood back into her legs as it was decided by the Captain where was the best to set up.  It was decided that a recently harvested field was the best option.  One of the soldiers was left with Laun and two horses as the rest of the crew headed off to camp.

Laun’s feet were starting to swell, the first time in almost a week.  Riding Thunder, though he was a smooth trotter when he wanted to be, was still riding a horse for a day in a saddle that was almost too wide for Laun to get her legs over.  Her hips were not quite right and she looked forward to sitting and not moving.

Thunder knelt and let Laun up on his back again, a toss of his mane to show he did not want to go in the direction she was pressing him.  He went, but with several thumps to his neck to keep him in line.  The soldier left to escort was along side and motioned to the trail the rest had taken.  They passed a farmer’s hut with a happy looking man in front of it, a few more coins in his pouch that day than he thought he would have in a year.

Tents were already being set up and the contents of the carts distributed.  The carriage the healer and Laun’s people had ridden in was placed to one side of the field with the wagons placed to make a temporary corral for the horses.  Fire and latrine pits were being dug as firewood and kindling were being gathered.

Laun did not remember things going like this when she last was coming away from the Hawkwell lands.  She remembered being asleep, then being in a camp.  And having her people around her.  Then the Inn, where she was still fighting injury but already forcing herself into the Lady role to keep morale up.  Laun thought about it and knew it had been for her own morale as much as for anyone else’s.

Rugs were being brought into one of the larger tents, followed by several stacks of bedding.  The Captain was looking dubious, but had his own mount to tend to so he let the Sergeant direct what he would.  Laun dismounted from Thunder after watching things settle around her for a few minutes.  She walked and stretched more, grabbing one of the currying brushes being brought out so she could try to brush some of the road from her borrowed mount.

“I’ll do that, Highness,” one of the soldiers said.  He took the brush from her hand, perhaps lingering slightly as the implement went from her hand to his.  Laun smiled and stepped away, letting the Private do his duty.

It made Laun think as she waddled to the large tent.  What had Hunter planned?

Two of the soldiers were done with digging the various things that needed to be dug.  A small enclosure was put over one pit before the two grabbed canvas water buckets and a pole.  Laun noted which way they went and thought she remembered a stream on one of the maps in that direction, but could not remember exactly right then.

Gem stepped outside of the large tent and smiled.  Laun knew that her girl was in on whatever was being planned for that evening.  There was a camp chair in Gem’s hands and Laun saw that she was not being allowed into the big tent, yet.  The camp chair was set up in the shade of the cook tent and Laun sat.

The heat of the afternoon was still there, even with the storm’s wind coming through between the tents.  Laun leaned back and found she was dozing as there was activity around her.  She was tired, tired enough that the chattering her mind usually had going on in the background was quieted, only a few odd thoughts flowing through as the fatigued sleep took her.

She had a hand on her shoulder and she started awake.  It was Hazalam and he motioned for her to follow him.  They went into the big tent and Laun saw why it took so long to set up.

It reminded her of the group room they had after the household moved from the hill.  There were mats on the rugs, several small low tables and one wooden cot set up almost as a headboard.  Hazalam smiled-he was in on it, too.

Laun was pleased, but she was also tired.  Hazalam helped to take her tunic and skirt off, the few weapons she had left strapped to her arms.  She walked the mats, noted a few stashes of supplies and went to the cot.  There was a sheepskin and a quilt there and they looked quite inviting.

She laid down and fell into real sleep.

She opened her eyes several hours later and pulled the quilt back.  It was dark enough outside that there were candles and lanterns lit inside.  She heard a few voices, but nothing that she could really catch.  She could see a few shadows walk in front of a fire and past, the flickering flames much more apparent after they had passed.  Laun could smell the fire, part green wood, part old deadfall.  There was meat being cooked above it.

Laun liked the feeling of being in the cot, in the tent, surrounded by the soldiers.  Of course, her bladder was singing it’s own notes and she had to find the recently dug privy.  Laun pushed the quilt back and was able to swing her feet over the edge.  It took a moment for her equilibrium to let her push up off the cot as the babies seemed to be trying to punch through her rib cage and then bounce off her bladder as she moved.

Looking around in the lamp light, Laun did not see her tunic.  She thought that Hazalam had put it over...  Maybe it was...  Laun sighed.  No tunic.  No skirt.

Laun stood and started to make her way over the mats.  She could hear the wind going through trees at the edge of the field and the sides of the tent bowed in slightly as the air pressure changed.  She could hear the jangle of metal hitting metal outside, perhaps the horse tack being blown together in the wind.  Laun was at the tent wall and paused before the flap.

If she was already at Salam-Dir, she would have little hesitation about just leaving the tent and finding the privy.  But these were soldiers who she did not know, at least not well.  And, as she looked at the top of her belly in the yellow light, she had become a repulsive, waddling cow, not the dancer she used to be.  Laun stepped back from the flap and held herself, arms around her and gripping her shoulders.

She really had to pee.  The privy was less than ten paces away.  Laun looked around and saw one of the piles of cloths.  She pulled one off the top and it was moderately sized.  She wrapped it around her and tied it at one shoulder, the drape falling to about mid thigh, it felt like.

Her bladder made it’s self known again.  She had to leave the privacy of the tent to find a bit of privacy elsewhere.

She pushed back the flap and stepped out.  There was a call to salute and the men around her stood at attention.  She saluted back, feeling quite awkward in the cloth.  They relaxed and went back to what they were doing.  She made her way to the latrine shelter and found a bit of relief.

There was a hanging pouch with some of the paper in it.  Laun found that was ingenious.  She was able to clean herself after squatting over the hole, tossing the dirty paper in behind her.  She had to lean forward to her knees to be able to get up, her center of balance being very screwed up right then.

One of the soldiers was at parade rest outside the latrine when Laun came out.  He went to salute and Laun put her hand on his arm.  “Just don’t.”  He nodded and held his arm out to her.

She was escorted back to the large tent.  The tent walls had been rolled up on the side towards the fire.  The soldiers seemed to be waiting for her to get back to the cot.  Gem was by the fire with Hazalam, a big grin on her face.

The healer was sitting on one of the mats near the cot, the most amused expression on her face Laun had seen.  There were nods between them and Laun was seated on the cot again.  The soldier made a slight bow and went outside again.

Torches were being lit and it was lighter outside than inside the tent.  Laun could see some sort of meat on the spit being hacked at by several people and put onto trays.   There was also a small casket of some sort of potable being ladled out and into tankards.  The men were putting their heads together and talking, Hunter directing them to various places.

There were salutes and the Captain came into view.  He looked concerned, but he made his way into the tent and sat on one of the mats towards the fire.  He made an afterthought of a salute in Laun’s direction and took a nod as acknowledgment.

The wind blew a bit strong and cold for a moment.  Laun pulled the quilt over her shoulders and felt warmer, though her legs were starting to feel the night chill, too.  Some of the cook fire’s smoke came into the tent, bringing the smell of the meat as well as a fit of coughing for Laun.  Kell looked over and Laun waved her hand in front of her face to show it was just the air.

Trays with the meat and a few roasted vegetables were brought in and the soldiers came in, making a salute to the Captain and to their Princess before sitting along the edge of the mats near the open side of the tent.  Tin plates were passed and the trays were passed, starting with Laun and the Captain.

The tankards were passed, a tankard of clear water for Laun.  People started eating and there was some low conversation.  Gem and Hazalam shared a plate outside.

One of the soldiers bolted his food and stood.  He went outside and came back to in front of the tent after a few minutes.  Laun saw him get a nod from Hunter.

The soldier had two swords in his hands.  He dropped the sheaths to the side and took a pose.  He breathed in deeply a few times and started to do a form.  His steps were good, his arms and body flowing.

Laun smiled.  He was good.  The light from the fire behind him gave a good silhouette, the torch light glinting off the swords as they flashed through the night air.  Laun felt a slight rush as he brought the swords in close to his body and spun, thrusting at an unseen opponent.

He ended with a bow towards Laun and there was applause and the sound of knives against the tin plates.  He sat, sweat running down his face and a smile that offset the embarrassed glow under the wet sheen.

Another soldier stood from the mat, this one with a single sword and a small buckler.  He gave a good performance of his skills against his invisible opponent.  He was not as flashy as the two sword style, but Laun could see where he would really hold his own.

There were more of the soldiers who stood and showed off their weapons skills.  Dagger, whip, staff.  Then Hunter stood and asked if Laun would like to see some wrestling.  She smiled broadly and said yes.

The Sergeant asked for a volunteer and several of the soldiers stood.  Hunter started taking his jerkin and tunic off and the largest of the volunteers was pushed forward by the others.  There was a little bit of grumbling, but the Private stripped off his uniform jerkin and tunic.

They faced off and Laun did not want to think favorites, but she thought Hunter would break the other soldier in two.  Arms wrapped around shoulders, there were a few changes in who was controlling, and Hunter did indeed have the other man pinned.  They parted and then gave a good slap on the back to each other and then Hunter waived to the next soldier who had stood.  More clothing came off and more grunting and Hunter had the man pinned under him.

The third man to stand was taking his uniform tops off and a small wind came along, rattling the poles of the tent.  He rubbed his arms and then positioned himself to face Hunter.  Laun saw something in how he stood.  Hunter was going to have some problems with this one.

Hunter was able to move and seemed to get the upper hand, but Laun saw the way the other soldier was holding his shoulders.  Hunter was suddenly on his back and sounded like the wind had been knocked from him.  He rolled away and stood, circling the man.  Some of the soldiers got up, blocking Laun’s view.  She stood and walked over the mats to move into the circle forming around Hunter and the other soldier.

Hunter was sweating and the other man didn’t seem to be putting much effort into his movements.  They circled each other, one starting to do a pin or a throw and the other one getting out of it.  Laun started to hear bets being placed around her.

One Private leaned towards Laun and said, “Which one do you favor, Princess?”

Laun smiled and said, “I see something in each of them, but I will have to go with Hun-Kan.”

He smirked.  “Care to wager, Highness?”

Laun held her hands out and said, “I have nothing to wager with.”

“If Norit wins, I get a kiss.”

Her eyebrow went up.  “And if Hun-Kan wins, you rub my feet.”

He shook his head but he was smiling as he said, “Two feet, two kisses.”

Laun held out her hand and the wager was done.  The soldier to the other side of her heard the wager and made a similar one, a kiss against a shoulder rub.  Laun’s hand was out and sealed the deal as she heard a series of grunts from the men on the ground.

They did not seem to be doing anything, but Laun could see some tension in both backs as the arms were tangled with legs and shoulders.  There was a movement from one of them, the responding move slipping in strength.  A leveraged arm hold was expertly flipped out of, but the legs did not get out of the way in time.

There was a loud grunt.  There was the triple tap on the ground.  Laun now owed three kisses.

There were other wagers being settled around the tired wrestlers.  Laun stepped back onto the mats and turned to the first soldier.

“I believe I owe you two kisses, Private.”  Laun smiled at the suddenly shy look on his face.  He looked over at Hunter and then back to the Princess.  He held out his hand as if he wanted her hand to kiss.  “Oh, no.  You aren’t going to do that to me, are you?”

He blinked.  “Highness?”

“I owe you two kisses.  I’ll pay you in two kisses.”  Laun stepped past his outstretched arm and put her hands on either side of his face.  She heard the start of a hiss from one of the soldiers and smiled.  “Set your feet, soldier.”

She pulled him down to her and let loose with her tongue in his mouth.  She felt him loosen up and his arms were around her, holding her.  There was more hissing which petered off as the kiss lasted for at least a count of twenty.

Laun pulled back and said, “That’s one.”  There was laughter from the men around them.

The Private’s legs were shaking slightly.  “Yes, ma’am.  May I have my second one?”

Laun smiled.  “If you think you can handle it.”

He nodded and went in for his second wagered kiss.  This one did not last as long, but Laun could feel the eyes of most of the men in the squad on them, and could feel the strong reaction of the man she was kissing.

She again had to pull back to break the kiss.  He dropped his arms and made a sloppy salute to her as a few back-slaps from his peers pushed him off balance.

Laun turned to the other man she had a wager with.  He was grinning.  He went down to his knees and Laun looked down into his eyes.  “I believe the wager was for one, Sergeant?”  He nodded and held his arms out.

Laun stepped into his arms and held his head in her hands.  He was gentler than the Private, the hands that went around her and held her lower back was worth the wager to Laun.  It felt good to be held and supported there and she sighed as the kiss ended and his hands left her.

There were a few cat-calls as Laun stepped away, and many more back-slaps for the soldier.  Another of the soldiers called out, “How do I get one of those?” to a roll of laughter through the ranks.

Laun saw Hunter behind the men around her on the mat.  His eyebrow went up and he had a toothy grin.  “I find asking works,” came from him and there was another round of laughter.

Laun flushed.  She saw how the evening had been set up, and how it might flow.  She was surrounded by men that Hunter had hand picked, except for the Captain.  They had all shown off their martial skills, all proving that they had the muscles and the stamina that Laun may be interested in.  The tent was set for an orgy, with the bedding and the supplies.

Her arms went around herself and she turned to look at the men standing around her.  She had a strong wave of not just self doubt but self loathing.  She knew she had the want and could go through all the men there.  She did not see how they would want to even touch her, let alone pleasure her.

Gem came to the rescue while the soldiers were uncertain.  The blonde came up to her Mistress and said, “Highness, may I have a kiss?”

Laun smiled and took the girl into her arms.  There was a stunned quiet where the wind was louder than the men for a moment.  Laun’s arm was around her, one hand on the blonde’s neck pulling her in close.  A gasp was heard from Gem as she turned her head after and the men in the tent could see what they could do.  

Laun still had the cloth on, tied at her shoulder, and the two sheaths strapped to her arms.  Gem stepped to the side as a soldier came up and asked, “Highness, may I have a kiss?”  There was a lingering kiss, and Laun felt Hazalam’s hands untie the cloth, letting it hang on her for a moment before it was dropped to the bedding.

The next soldier asked to kiss her breasts and then there was a man behind her asking to kiss her neck.  Then they stopped asking.

Gem was stripped down and had her own admirers in the soldiers.  Laun saw her girl leading two of the men to a separate mat and smiled at her.  Laun looked over and saw a soldier on his knees in front of the healer and Kell had a grin before she leaned in and kissed him.

The Captain was standing to Laun’s side, a concerned look on his face.  “Highness, are you certain you wish to do this?”

Laun turned to him and put her hand on his arm.  “Yes, but if you do not-” Laun could not continue as the Captain’s mouth was on hers.  She felt uncertainty in him, but that melted as she felt him heat up.

The first of the rain started to sound on the tent.  Several of the soldiers gathered themselves enough to roll the tent back down and secure the edges.  It became warm in the enclosed space in short order, clothing being shed by those still covered without too much more hesitation.

Laun could not see past the men who surrounded her.  Their hands were on her, their mouths were on her and soon Laun was being held in the air as she was being pierced by the Captain’s manhood.  It was different as the men worked as a team, holding her and supporting her as their superior officer had her legs around his waist and was trying to thrust up into her without his legs giving way.

The sounds in the tent were almost as loud as the rain on the tent.  The wet sounds merged and soon Laun could not tell what was cocks in cunts and what was storm water in the rain channels outside.  Laun could only hear the men around her and in her clearly.

The Captain’s legs did finally give out just as he was going to peak in Laun, his member coming out and a warm wetness splashed against her bottom and legs as he went down to his knees.  The men holding Laun followed him down with her and she was on her back, a cloth being put under her ass as another man fingered her and then went down on her.

Her hands and mouth were busy even as the man between her legs tried to distract her with his own mouth and hands.  A hard shaft was being pumped in her hand as she licked and tasted another.  She gasped around the head in her mouth as a large cock pressed into her.  He stopped until he felt her relax and inched his way into her.  Laun could not tell if he was up to the hilt in her, but her back arched at the sensations and he started to stroke.

There were hands on her breasts manipulating them and pinching her nipples.  She could feel the milk being suckled from one as the other had a cooling breath blowing over the thin liquid.  The shaft in her mouth left for a moment and a mouth came up to her, sharing the slight sweetness he had just been having from her own body.  She panted into the mouth and looked into the brown eyes as she felt the man in her change his stroke, become swifter and shallower as he came to the edge.

Laun’s belly took his load, the lines of seed hot in the night air, quickly cooling as another man took his place.  Her hips had different hands on them, he moved her around slightly and her ass was up on his bent legs.  He was in her, more rocking than thrusting, with his thumb rubbing against her nub.

She had been having so much sensation, so many things happening, that she had not really been paying attention to her own body’s reactions.  The thumb on her as he rocked in and out of her touched Laun off and her unmistakable if soft moans could be heard above the wind and rain on the tent’s canvass.  She had to pull the man from her mouth to be able to breathe as her moans dropped into growls and her hips bucked against who was in her.

Her eyes were closed, her head back and her back arched.  Hands were all over her, cocks in her hands and mouth and cunt, her womanhood tightening around the one in her as the first wave of the orgasm hit.  The hand on her button became frantic and then was gone as he needed both hands to keep ahold of her.

Laun heard Gem’s scream as she came to a peak.  Laun turned her head and saw the blonde, hair undone and flowing around her body as she bounced up and down on the soldiers’ shaft, supported by another man behind her holding her breasts as she leaned back.  Laun closed her eyes again, but knew the voice of her girl as a second strong wave hit and the pitch went up.  Their voices mingled, called and reinforced each other as they came.

The man in her grunted and started to orgasm, there were a few thrusts in and then she felt his hand on his own shaft as more warm, sticky stuff flew onto her belly.  It struck Laun that they were showing each other, counting off with each other by covering her with themselves and not filling her with them.  Bragging without having to say anything.

Hunter was beside her, laying down with his head at her breast.  He watched her as another man rubbed against her and spread her legs, pushing them perhaps a little too hard into her belly.  Hunter’s mouth was on her breast, but one of his hands went out and supported her knees as the man in her thrust deep.  Laun’s ass was moving, but not entirely in pleasure with this man.  It did not last long as she felt the backs of her thighs become anointed and the loud grunting calling attention to his orgasm.

A squad is not that many men, Laun had thought.  They seemed to be taking turns and recovering well as the Captain was in her again.  He was trying to not put too much pressure on her belly as he leaned over her, holding himself inside her.  Laun knew the difficulty he was getting himself into.

With only a few motions, Hunter helped to turn Laun over and she was on her knees, butt in the air and the Captain eagerly started to thrust and stroke.  Hunter held her hair back from her face and kissed Laun, taking her moans as the hands on her changed, gripped and stroked until she was calling out with another orgasm.  Laun kept her eyes open, looking into the dark grey of Hunters’ as the pleasure washed through her.  His large but gentle hands held her head as she came and then stroked up her back when he saw a twinge that was not pleasure.

Oil came from somewhere and Laun felt hands all over her.  The oil was being spread where ever the men could reach, fingers and knuckles and palms pressing and stroking.  The release of orgasm was followed by the release of muscle aches and fatigue and that led quickly to yet another peak as all pleasure became part of sex.

Laun felt herself smile.  She could not help it.  She also felt tears in her eyes and she did not try to stem the flow.  The feelings she had inside and out were wonderful and horrible and healing all at the same time.  She opened her eyes again and saw that Hunter was also smiling.  He held her face in his hands and tried to kiss her, though the Captain was starting to thrust deeper as he leaned in, signaling that he was close to another orgasm and moving Laun erratically.

Hunter moved as the Captain was out of her, lifting her slightly and on top of him.  He let her position him and then move on his shaft before he thrust up into her.  His hands were on her shoulders, propping her up as her hands were on his chest.  He was being slow and Laun was able to move her hips and see the reactions in him.

She wanted to kiss him, but her belly would make it so that he would come out of her if she leaned over.  She put her hand on his chin, fingers on his mouth.  He kissed some of the fingers and then took a few into his mouth, licking and sucking them.  His eyes were only on hers, the intensity almost frightening.  Laun moved her legs slightly when she felt a cramp and she found Hunter sitting up with her still on his shaft.

Her arms went around his neck, his arms around her back.  His legs splayed out, ankles under her butt, supporting her as her own legs were out to the side around his bulk.  He was not thrusting or moving in her.  He was just holding her, looking into her face and eyes.  They kissed, their lips sliding together and then their mouths opening to be explored.

Laun was not sure how long they were like that.  It felt right and good and the rest of the people there became just background noise.  She felt him not just as his manhood was in her, but his hands when they came up her oiled back to her shoulders and his breath when he sucked hers into him.  His hand went to a breast and did not squeeze but held and warmed her.  Every touch seemed to reverberate through her.

Her own hands were traveling along his back and shoulders when they could, the light, black stubble on the back of his head not giving her much to grab onto.  The straps of the sheaths caught on his skin several times, but he either did not notice or did not mind.  She wondered why she still had them on, and then knew they had left her what she needed to feel secure out of respect.

She heard another woman’s gasping and saw Hazalam with Kell.  The healer was holding her own breasts as the assassin was plying his knowledge on her, the gasps telling Laun that the healer was getting much from his experience and training.  The sounds started to be echoed as Gem was under one of the soldiers, scratches on his back visible even in the lamplight.  The sounds of the women and the men and the rain swirled together with the breath she was sharing with Hunter and she felt her body wanting to travel to a peak.

Laun moved her hips and Hunter’s eyes closed.  His own hips tried to move, but he was supporting both of them and couldn’t.  His arms went down her back and to her ass, his fingers sliding on more than just oil.  Laun moved, he tried to support and help and they moved each other to orgasm.  His arms went around her, tightening and lifting her as his body started to tremble.  He was close and she could be.

There hadn’t been much talking since the whole thing started.  A few small jokes between the men, a few gasped obscenities.  Hunter started to whisper to her as they moved together.  Laun could hear something in his voice that was so close to her Loves that she started to cry.  She was close to so many things right then and his voice telling her she was beautiful and that he loved her pushed her over the emotional edge which dragged her body with it.

Normally she was not that loud.  Laun heard herself and thought it was Gem again until she had to take a breath in and heard her own gasp.  Hunter was also loud and he let loose with a bellow that should have deafened Laun.  He did not pull out and she felt him as his manhood let loose in her.  Her own waves of sensation made her body move and jerk and it felt like she was milking the very last from both of them.

He did not let go of her.  His arms were still around her and he kissed her deeply.  She took his head and neck in her hands and did not let him go when he tried to pull out of the kiss.  She didn’t want it to end.

Her hands slipped on the sweat running off of his forehead and he slipped from her mouth across her cheek.  “Laun, are you well?” he panted into her ear.

She nodded and tried to just breathe.  She was also sweating and the oil and other fluids were making it hard to keep still on his lap.  She thought she felt a pulse as his manhood was loosing it’s strength, but she did not want to let that go, either.  She rested her head on his shoulder, her arms around his neck.

The babies were moving and she felt Hunter react as his stomach was kicked.  His hands went from her back to the sides of her belly and he rubbed in small circles.  It felt good.

“Laun, my love, I will need you to move soon.  My legs...”  He kissed her on the shoulder and ran his fingers lightly along the fresh tooth scars and then along some of the strap marks.

Laun nodded into his shoulder and moved her hips, the plug his shaft had provided letting loose the seed he had given her.  She felt it flow out of her and between them.  She felt him react and his mouth was kissing her shoulder again.

The rain seemed to have slowed.  It was hot and humid in the tent and Laun wanted to get some fresher air.  She crawled off of Hunter and stood, her legs wobbling beneath her.  She fended off a few of the men saying she had to make a run to the latrine.

She stood just outside the tent feeling the cool rain coming down on her.  She could hear the people inside and felt happy for them.  Since she had mentioned the facilities, she made her way to the pit and carefully used it.  The shelter was just enough to keep the rain off, but not much more.

Laun still had the oil all over her and the slippery seed from the men.  The rain was not washing much off.  It was coming down and sheeted off of her, but Laun rubbed her hands over her skin and then up to her hair, undoing the thong that was keeping the hair in it’s braid.  Her shoulders felt warmer with her hair down, but she felt the rain soaking through her hair.  She closed her eyes and raised her face to the rain.

There was a body next to her and she almost had the blades out before she recognized Hunter.  He wrapped his arms around her and she relaxed into him.  Her head was on his chest and he stroked her hair.  She could feel the heat coming off of him and thought she could see steam in the spitting torch light.

“You will have to go back to the company after delivering me, won’t you.”  Laun’s eyes had tears in them but they flowed down with the rain unnoticed by the large man.

“Yes, Laun.  There may be a few day’s delay as we get you settled in, but then my duty is back with the men.”  He kissed the top of her head.

Laun felt safe in his arms and put her own arms around him.  “I hope to show you a few things while you are there.  I hope you like them.”

His hand went down her face and raised her eyes to his.  “Any time and any place with you I would like.”

He leaned down and kissed her.  She did not resist and pushed her chin up to get more.  The tears continued to flow.

They were both past just rained on to rain rinsed to rain soaked by the time they went back inside.  Cloths were used to dry off as they looked around at the slowing action in the tent.  Gem and Hazalam were together, a loving hand and look from one to the other as they moved on one of the mats.  The healer was between two of the soldiers, all three seemingly asleep as two of the soldiers next to them talked in low tones.

“Are you up for more?”  Hunter’s low voice was in her ear.

Laun thought.  Her body was giving signs that it was going to be sore the next day with how sore she already was.  She was also feeling quite relaxed and loved right then.  Some rest would be good before travel, and there might be some time in the morning...

“I think that I will decline more for tonight.”  Laun put her hand on his neck and said, “Would you share a blanket with me?”

Hunter took her hand and they found some space that did not have others.  They lay under a blanket together, still moist from outside and steaming up the air between them.  Laun’s pillow was his arm as they settled down.  Hunter smelled deeply from her hair and kissed her on the back of her head as he put his arm around her and drew his leg up between hers.  They fell asleep to the diminishing sounds around them.

Laun woke much earlier than she thought she would.  She felt her legs being moved apart, a light touch on her fur and then sliding down her womanhood.  She felt a warmth as a body came close to her crotch and then something was being pressed slowly against her womanhood.

Her hands were above her head.  She could feel the sheaths still there.  Her legs were free to move, not leaning against anything, or anybody.  She tried not to change her breathing as he paused and then started to push into her.

Her legs wrapped around him, pulled him in and off balance, much to his surprise. There was a knife against his neck as he was trying to hold himself up with his arms.  Laun opened her eyes and smiled at the Corporal.

“What the hell?” came from the tent flap.  Hunter stepped over men roused from their sleep at his call.

Laun blinked sleepily as she saw a drop of blood gather on the edge of the knife, the Corporal’s breath shallow and his back stiff as he tried to stay still.  She yawned, stretching slightly and pulling him in further.

“Highnessssss...”  The soldier tried to not swallow.

Hunter had a hand on the Corporal’s shoulder.  Laun relaxed and the man was pulled off of her.  Laun drew the blade along her tongue, the little bit of blood on it darkening a stripe before she smiled.  She stretched again and rolled over on her side, closing her eyes.

The commotion going out the door woke those who had not already been awakened.  Laun let it happen, did not say anything and did not have to accuse.  She was already awake, but there were parts of her that did not want to move just yet.

“Princess?  Are you well?”  The Captain knelt next to her, his breeches hastily pulled on and not buckled yet.

Laun nodded.  “Give him just latrine duty or something.  I don’t blame him for trying.  He just should have asked.”  She opened her eyes and looked at him.  “How are you this morning, Captain?”

He looked shaken.  “Getting ready to pack...  I guess.”

Laun put her hand on his arm.  “Thank you for last night.  I hope you enjoyed it, too.”

He smiled and blushed.  “Yes, your Highness.  It was an honor.”  He stood and tried to make a salute, but had to hold his pants up.

Laun giggled and waved him off.  She stretched again and rolled to her knees.  She wiped the blood off the knife and onto one of the cloths that had been used the night before and put the knife back in the sheath.  Gem was on her knees next to Hazalam who was starting to stand.  They were both looking at Laun, Hazalam smiling.

Laun grabbed a uniform tunic that had been discarded and pulled it over her body.  It went to just below her crotch.  She did not know what she would find outside, but the men who were moving inside were not really paying too much attention to what was around them, just trying to get moving.

The early morning was more apparent as Laun stepped outside.  There was a glow in the sky and a slight mist on the ground over the mud.  Laun got in line for the latrine, waving several of the soldiers off when they tried to have her go first.  Laun was finally in the shelter and was able to get some relief.  The pouch of paper had been soaked, so there wasn’t anything to wipe with.  Laun was not too concerned.

There were smiles from the men still waiting as she came out.  She nodded to them and walked away.  She stretched out her arms and found a good place a bit beyond the encampment that did not have as much mud on the ground.  She looked and found a few stones that she tossed towards the treeline, falling far short but away from where she wanted to work out that morning.

Laun stretched out her hips a little, feeling how much use she had gotten the night before.  She closed her eyes and thought of the way her body wanted to move.  She felt as she moved her arms and legs and started in with a free-form routine.  Several times, she had to stop and hold her belly as things moved inside, but she would start again.

Midway through a turn, Laun stopped.  She had not been paying attention to anything outside of herself.  There were a few of the soldiers and Hazalam standing at a discrete distance watching her.  Laun motioned to her assassin and he came to her.

She knew the routines he could do.  She would have to push herself, but she started at first position and he stepped into the routine next to her.  She went at as fast of a pace as she could, feeling her legs start to burn partway through.

Gem stepped in and flowed with them.  Laun had not worked with her as much as Hazalam.  The girl’s steps were a bit sloppier, but her arm movements were sharp.  Laun continued the routine and dropped back partway through as the movements went from uncomfortable to painful.  Her assassins finished the routine and bowed to the clapping soldiers.

Laun held out her arms out and they both came to her.  She kissed her man and then her girl and the three held each other for a moment.

The soldier who’s tunic she had on came to her and shyly asked for his clothing back as it was his only uniform tunic.  She smiled and started to take it off in the middle of the camp.  His eyes went big and he shook his head.  Laun’s skirt and tunic from the day before were found and she ducked into the big tent to change.

Clothing found it’s owners, the wagons were repacked and the squad was ready to head off.  Laun was fed and sitting in the shade of the carriage while watching.  It did not take long and Laun really appreciated their training and efficiency.

Thunder was being troublesome.  He would not let Laun onto his back that morning.  He would sniff and snort and start to back away.  Laun was not feeling like fighting the horse, so she traveled in the carriage with the Healer and her people.

Kell was smiling.  This was unusual for her.  She was not dour, but she was not exactly personable.  While they were going along the road, Kell pulled out her medicines.  She handed each of them a small pill and some water.

“This is good.  Just in case one of our escort had something we don’t want.”  Kell had one herself which encouraged the others.  “It is something from the place I learned most of my healing skills from.  It is a...different place and I don’t have much left.  Last night was worth it.”  She smiled and turned to look out the bouncing window of the carriage’s cabin.

Onto Chapter 53


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