« Posts tagged interrogation

The Slave Assassin Chapter 20

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Desert as the backdrop to desert-clothed people, one kneeing to another.

After the interrogation, the King receives his Cousin.

The Royal Guards faced out.  The Peaches faced in.  The circle was not complete, but it was enough.

Laun had stepped to where Wanda had used her rope skills to tie the man over a large, mostly flat rock in the garden.  He was face up, still struggling, though he knew he was dead.  Laun threw the dagger that until that point was held loosely in her hand at the foot of the rock, the tip landing in the sand and the blade slowly falling sideways after it landed.

There were words that Laun almost understood.  Her time with the K’tahll ambassador had been useful, but the language still was beyond her.  She did have a few things she knew how to say.  Silar stepped to her, staying in back and to her right.

“He says that he is only one of many come to bring the warrant and title of Blue Master to the other continent.”

Laun nodded.  She said in a cold, flat tone, “Eiah.”

The man stopped.  He squinted and struggled to rise to see Laun better.  He continued to talk, seeing Silar behind Laun and starting to sneer.

“He says that you are just a puppet, that saying what your...  Well, me, tells you to say is meaningless.”

Laun’s head went sideways and she shook her head.  “Eiah, gub’tataka.  Sisu bah’i.”

Silar kept his voice low and said, “I didn’t know you could understand...”

Laun shook her head.  Her voice was a whisper as she said, “I can’t, but he doesn’t know that.  I only know what your ambassador taught me, and I know I am not saying the words right.” »Read More

The Slave Princess Chapter 10

Back to Chapter 9


The Great Hall was full for morning meal and meeting.  It was hot and stuffy even before the over one hundred people crammed into the room.  The rain that had come the day before had wet down everything but had gone without giving enough water to feed the fields.  It had been just enough to make a little mud and then float back into the air making the heat worse with the humidity.

The messengers were being sent back out that day.  Not all of them, but the ones that had been kept overnight in the outlying tent, a squad of the soldiers on duty to keep them...safe.  

The false king’s men were being sent back out with scrolls denouncing the false kings and copies of the documents reinforcing Falmir as King of the Midlands with Dreng as the Council Commander.  The noble was not happy, but he was doing his duty to the man he thought was the right King, as appointed by the three people left of the Kings’ council.  It had been pointed out to him that not only was the council not Mildands people but the man they had appointed was himself half Rosemond on his mother’s side with only a shade of Midlands nobility in him.  He left, much to think about on his journey back.

The other false king’s man was not surprised when he was given the scroll to take back.  He had been a servant pressed into the role of a messenger and he had not thought it was a good idea.  He did it and he was happy that he had his own life, and his own horse, as he passed the night and readied himself for the journey back.  He even confided in the Princess that his master had heard rumors that his son was of Hawkwell blood, but now that the servant had seen the Hawkwells, there was absolutely no resemblance.

The Ambassador’s man was sent out with a token payment of a gold coin.  It was a Rosemond struck coin and he saw the irony in it.  A message to the current Ambassador from Rosemond asked for just a little time to sort out the problems with the other claimants.  A hint was dropped about the massing of the troops and the man was surprised when it was mentioned.  He seemed apologetic and said he would bring it up with the Ambassador as soon as he was back at the Embassy. »Read More

The Slave Princess Chapter 9

Back to Chapter 8


The room was cold.  One candle burnt on the wall and some light came in under the one wooden door, but the light was enough to see around him.  No windows, a few columns and...  He turned on his back onto his tied hands and bumped into a wall.  No, not a wall, part of a stone box.

An altar.  His head spun, but he was able to bring himself to his knees and then his feet.  To look around.

It was cold and he shivered as he paced around the stone floor, seeing nothing that could be used to cut the rope that bound his hands together and his arms to his body.  He stopped at the door and heard a slight scuff of someone trying to stay awake while on guard.

There was little he could do.  He still shivered and could not tell how long he had been asleep.  She had drugged him.  He smiled at that.  It seemed as the poison had been working on her, she stepped around his defenses and took him down when he was not looking.

Blue Master had not given the Princess that much credit.  The old lady had given him the paper already tainted and some information before the half payment.  It seemed to go very well, even with having other messengers to travel with for the last day.  They all had been derisive of King Falmir and the whore daughter he had found.  It was rumored that she was pregnant, but it was not something that Blue Master had mentioned. »Read More

The Slave Princess Chapter 8

Back to Chapter 7

There were soldiers standing in ranks around the tent as Laun rode up to it.  There were servants under one of the trees in the verge several leagues from the tent, milling about but looking as if they could be ordered at a snap of a finger.  Laun guided Grace to beside the other horses and sat for a moment, deciding.

There was a call to salute and Laun looked up.  She saw that it was for her so she saluted back.  She unhooked her knees and pushed herself slightly back in the saddle.  She held out a hand and several of the soldiers came forward to help her down.

She had just her tunic and loincloth on, the straps for the sheaths plain on her legs.  She swung her leg over and let the men help her down, a knee from one of them kneeling supporting her as she stepped down.  She motioned to the pack that was strapped to the saddle and it was untied for her.

Laun pulled on the skirt that she had draped over the font of the saddle and it fell into her hand.  She pulled it up and tied it and settled herself, bringing her braid to her front with the clapperless bell tied to the tail.

“Please,” Laun said quietly, “tell Falmir that his Thorn is here for his pleasure.” »Read More

The Slave Lady Chapter 16

Back to Chapter 15 - Wondering what is going on?  The first chapter of The Slave Lady is here, and the beginning of the series in Chapter one of The Slave Warrior is here.  Please check out the Tribute page and consider supporting the Web Mistress.


There were two servants outside the room.  This was not unusual.  But, the way they were standing...  And they had differences in their household tabards.

Ithian had been in the Palace for an hour.  He had made his way slowly through the groups of clinging nobles.  He had walked each level so that he did not sweat, resting as much as he could.  He had been around the corner from the Lady’s room until he heard the chimes.  He adjusted his pure black velvets and silks, patted his hair and knew he was about to conquer another of Falmir’s favorites.

As he approached, the servants bowed and parted.  The door opened and two women servants were...barely wearing their tabards.  They parted and Ithian stepped into the room.  At least as far as he could.

There was a screen a few steps into the room.  The servants closed the door to the hall and stayed at the door.  One of them motioned and Ithian went around the end of the screen.  He stopped and looked about him.

It was not what he expected.  On any level. »Read More

The Slave Lady Chapter 8

Back to Chapter 7



There were soldiers everywhere inside the Capitol City.  Laun tried to look demure in the back of the cart, the fabric pulled up over her head like a veil as they passed through the streets.  She caught glimpses of faces very young under the helmets, younger than even most of the wards at Salam-Dir.  Then there were the others that had taken the Dark colors.  Many of them also had a red ribbon tied somewhere on their chest, along with the Blue and Grey baldric as she heard an odd accent to their calls.  Men from Rosemond, and many of them looked like they were ready for a fight.  Any fight.

It had only taken them some of the morning to get to the Capitol City.  It had taken most of an hour to get through the mob of soldiers and bureaucrats at the gate.  Silar had only two coins on him and tried to explain that he was on a mission for a very important person inside.  No, he was not a merchant.  No, she was not his property.  Yes, he was a citizen of the Midlands...

Laun almost spoke several times, but felt that Silar was digging himself in deep enough.  They hardly even looked at her other than to note that she was a she and was pregnant.  Laun remembered names on the lists from the captured documents.  She could have talked her way through.  But...  She did not want to make it easy for Silar.

The coin he had was gone, as well as the basket and one of the sheepskins.  One of the guards had been looking a little too close at Laun for her liking, but they had been able to move into the crowds without much more delay. »Read More

Slave Warrior Chapter 59

Back to the safety of Chapter 58.


The next day was going to be First Feast.  The push for the household’s celebration of the coming of Winter was taking everyone who could cook or clean.  Others were out looking for everyone’s favorite Winterberry.  The bright orange fruit could only be found after it had not just frozen but snowed.  The thick shell cracked and peeled back showing that they were ready.

Laun was outside with the harvesters leading the wagon as others cleared the road and trails to search for the known groves of Winterberry.  The snow had stopped, but the wind drifted the snow into impossible to climb banks.  In the courtyards with the slight wind protection, the snow had stopped at about waist high to Laun.  Outside the main gate, there were some drifts that were over her head.

There had been people in the garden tents all night and into the day until the snow had stopped falling.  There was a wall of snow outside the canvas.  The sticks and brooms that had been used to pop the roof up to keep the snow from accumulating had worked.  It was cold but protected in the tent.

The walkway along the wall, on the other hand, had taken most of the day to shovel out so that it could be patrolled.  It would be easy to see if anyone approached.  The snow, though, had made it so that the crust was only a few feet from the top of the wall.  If there were inventive attackers, they could find a way to use that. »Read More

Slave Warrior Chapter 56

Back to Chapter 55 .


The dreams were so fantastic, so horrifying, so pleasant that Laun knew that they had to be fever dreams.

Flying over the kingdom, she saw flecks of light and flecks of dark below her.  There were red flashes as the darkness spread.  It wasn’t just random, it was following her.  Her path through the night sky led the fire that was consuming the light.

And then she was landing, her feet on the old volcano touching it’s inner heat off below her.  She was as large as the volcano.  She could see into it’s crumbling bowl and the streams that fed from it turned from grey and clear to red and dark.  There were bodies floating in the red water...no, not water.  Blood.

The blood flowed out from her to poison the land.  From her feet and hands and cunt and eyes and mouth.  It ran from her, turning rancid and putrefying everything it touched...

She felt like she should be screaming.  She felt as though she should be trying to clean it up.  She felt like she should be trying to make things right.


She also felt a rage building in her.  A power from the blood, from the death.  She heard screams and she reveled in the sound for she knew that she had caused pain and suffering and wanted to cause, create, more. »Read More

Slave Warrior Chapter 50

Back to Chapter 49


The hood was on him as he stood there.  He had been taken through large, noisy spaces.  He had been taken through hallways and up and down stairs.  He was certain that the keep and castle was not that big as he had been observing it for over a week.  But they had stopped and he was now in a room, cold and slightly musty through the sack on his head.

The sack was pulled off of him.  It was a room that had only one lantern and no windows.  He glanced around as his eyes adjusted and could tell there were people in the darkness, but not how many.

A female voice came to him from the darkness.  “Hello, quail.”  She stepped into the small amount of light the candle in the lantern was showing.

She pushed back the blue hood from her face and the man was surprised.  There had been several people with the same outfits, different sizes, different shapes.  He had seen who he thought was the King… The old King leave the keep gate with other plainly dressed people around him, the King wearing this same outfit as before him.  It had been easy to follow, though the King was good at going to ground, the colors would show back up and the assassin was able to follow without needing to find a trail.  He had followed, but then was caught.  If only he had been able to slash his throat...

She looked at him.  She turned to one of the men beside her and said, “Strip him.” »Read More

A challenge story

Someone I know challenged me to write this.  They had found my Fact Sheets in the old site and wondered if I was into certain things.  NO.  But then I was challenged to write this because they were not convinced that I could if I were not into it.


It felt as though it had been at least a day since she had woken up in the place.  The leather was rubbing her wrists and ankles raw where she was straining against it.  She had been able to get a glimpse under the mask once.  Her keeper had seen her and had pulled a hood over her, enclosing her in utter darkness that soon smelled like her stale breath.

She had been there long enough that she had peed herself several times.  The first time, she screamed to let her go to the bathroom.  She had heard laughter.  That was when the first cock had gone into her.  He had not been lubed up and pushed into her pussy.  He had been deep and fast and she could not help it when her bladder had let go.

The bench she was strapped to could be moved a little, changing her arms and legs a little.  It didn’t matter.  Her ass was still in the air, the smell of her own piss bad even through her hood.

She had to shit.  She had to really shit.  She knew what they had done when she had wanted to pee.  She kept her mouth as closed as she could when the need to poo became strong. »Read More

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