« Posts tagged Fever Dreams

The Slave Assassin Chapter 21

Back to Chapter 20   -  Please support the Web Mistress with Tribute.


They had expected tears.  They had expected the darkness.  They had expected rage and anger.

Laun had felt better after being given clear water and having the blood washed from her into the sand outside their yurlodge.  She sat, the Peaches brushing her hair and cleaning what they had missed outside.  She had asked for several of their medicines, and for cold cloths for her twisted knee.  Other than that, Laun had not said anything or done anything.

It was eerie and concerning her people.

Laun was grieving.  Not just for Ulis.  For the assassin she had just killed.  For Wanda’s innocence.  For Rosemond and Iffy.  For her people.  For her children.

Laun was convinced that the attempts on Ifahyd would not be as bad, or numerous, if she had not been there.  Yes, they would have happened, but not like this.  Not this close.  Not taking out innocent people.

Laun smiled at her men when Daffyd and Gregg offered themselves.  She shook her head and went back to just looking at her hands.  Her hands.  The ones that had taken so many lives and had trained others to take lives.  The hands that had just held one of hers as she died.  The hand that held the blade to his throat as he chose to die.

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The Slave Lady Chapter 26

Back to how Laun got in this condition in Chapter 25


The dreams Laun had were odd and vivid.  She was in the Great Hall with her people.  They were all celebrating.  She was not sure what they were celebrating and tried to push through the crowd.  She looked up and saw huge night creatures hanging from the rafters watching them.

Laun watched them back and found she was floating above her people and looking one of the night creatures eye to eye.  They looked at each other and she saw blood dripping from it’s mouth.  It spoke to her and told her of the plans it had to eat all her people.

Laun lashed out and felt her hand go through the night creature.  It turned from solid to nothing as her fist connected.  And then she was falling, but not onto the people below.  They had disappeared. The Great Hall had changed to the river and she was in the river.  The water was above her head and she could not breathe!

She had to breathe!  She struggled and her arms pushed the covers to the side and she sat, coughing. »Read More

Slave Warrior Chapter 56

Back to Chapter 55 .


The dreams were so fantastic, so horrifying, so pleasant that Laun knew that they had to be fever dreams.

Flying over the kingdom, she saw flecks of light and flecks of dark below her.  There were red flashes as the darkness spread.  It wasn’t just random, it was following her.  Her path through the night sky led the fire that was consuming the light.

And then she was landing, her feet on the old volcano touching it’s inner heat off below her.  She was as large as the volcano.  She could see into it’s crumbling bowl and the streams that fed from it turned from grey and clear to red and dark.  There were bodies floating in the red water...no, not water.  Blood.

The blood flowed out from her to poison the land.  From her feet and hands and cunt and eyes and mouth.  It ran from her, turning rancid and putrefying everything it touched...

She felt like she should be screaming.  She felt as though she should be trying to clean it up.  She felt like she should be trying to make things right.


She also felt a rage building in her.  A power from the blood, from the death.  She heard screams and she reveled in the sound for she knew that she had caused pain and suffering and wanted to cause, create, more. »Read More

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