I have too many projects as a content creator


I have too many projects as a content creator.  I know this, I feel this, I live this.  It does not make things easier in this knowledge.

Over the last two years, even before the Pandemic, things were a bit rough for me and my family.  For a while, I could not focus on anything to be creative with the circumstances I was in.  As I was able to focus on the creative side of things more, the mundane things sounded out for their fair share of my time, too.  Unfortunately, that time for the base and maintenance things in my life take precedence.  That means, the threads of projects that have been started have been fraying thin.

I have not been updating this website, or the others I attend to, as much as I would wish.  But I have been doing minor tweaks here and there as I have the time and energy.  Having the Fifth of the Chronicles of the Midlands to be put up chapter by chapter is a thrill, bit it also shows me that I need to concentrate on the other works in the series to make sure they are done and edited.  The pictures and videos I do for the OnlyFans Profile has been short changed of time and effort, and I know it.  The prep for a session, other than the candids I do once in a while, take far more time and energy than many people may think.  And it tires me out just thinking of it.

I have been forcing myself to do writing by joining Reddit and doing daily writing prompts.  Some of them have been reasonably good, but that monster in the back of my brain grinds everything to a halt if someone asks for more in a story.  Getting back into something once it is out of my head seems to be difficult right now.  I can see where many stories may lead, but I also have time chopped up oddly, so that concentration gets lost easily.

It frustrates me.

But, at least in my own mind, I know that content creation is not a job that can be turned on like a spigot, the ‘juices’ flowing on command.  Those of you who are reading this, thank you for coming over and spending some time with what I have posted.  I hope you can wade through the long-form and short-form stories and enjoy yourself.

And with that, time to feed the troops.


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