Slave Warrior Chapter 24

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It was the hardest thing yet that Laun had to decide.  The merchant had completely killed any trust he may have had with his confession of his slavery plans.  He had broken an oath to Marie taken under the smuggler’s code.  If not been called out, his deception may have cost not just the child’s life if they had just let him go on his way the next morning, cart, horse and child with him.  Calling him out had not been the only option, but it was the expedient one that Laun had gone with.  And then she had to decide.

Dreng was astonished at her request.  Geralk had never heard of such a thing before.  And Laun saw it as a third option to the two that were obvious.

It took the smithy an hour to create what Laun wanted.  Geralk took longer with the scroll.  It was a moment for Dreng’s signature and the scream that went through the keep silenced all.

The brand on Gyrip’s arm sent him into a fever that night.  Laun sat next to him, cooling him and giving him elixirs that Pillar or Lucaris would bring her.  She cried when she thought no one would see, though some did and only a few understood.  Protectors stood just outside the firelight, watching their Lady as she watched over the merchant.  She did not sleep.

The morning was bright through the high windows into the Great Hall.  The household gathered, quiet.  The merchant was awake, had been fed and had a package with more food in it handed to him.  The scroll was wrapped in an oilcloth and was in Laun’s hand.

Gyrip still was in a slight daze from the fever, but knew that Laun had been the one to tend him, even after she had been the one to hold the brand to his arm.

“Find Marie.  Do not tell anyone else what you have seen here.  And, remember-” Laun handed the scroll to Gyrip.  “You will die if she is not with you.”

He bowed unsteadily and was led to his cart and horse.  He was too dazed to know that all of the merchandize he had not sold had been packed for him, but he took the lead of the horse and followed the protectors out.

Disa was holding her arm as she watched the man be led out of the keep.  The smithy had taken the shape of the death sentence from her arm.  She felt partially responsible for the deamon that she knew was now over his head.  But she was also proud of her Lady for finding a different solution.

Laun looked down at Emmy.  The child was in a tunic that was almost her size and her hair was being held up with a ring of flowers.  Laun picked the child up and asked, “Do you want to live with us?”  

Emmy wrapped her arms around Laun’s neck and said, “ ‘Aun-Nana!”

Laun held the child close for a moment until the little legs started to kick to get down.  Emmy was already running towards Niles as her feet touched the stone floor.

“If it wasn’t morning, I think I would want to get drunk.”  Laun looked over at Disa and then Edgar with a pained expression.  She made impotent gestures with her hands.

“You have not slept.  Maybe a drink and then some sleep?”  Edgar stood and awaited an answer.

Laun shook her head.  “I started the damned morning ritual, it needs to be done.”

She counted.  They were now one hundred six.  The little boy was still being tended, wet cloths changed hourly on his back, but he would live.  Little Emmy was running around charming food and hugs out of everyone.  The dancers who were now becoming more warrior than slave.  The wardsmen who were being forced to change how they were brought up to work with the women at their sides.  The craftsmen, the kitchen staff, the farmers...  Even the nobles who were older and outranked everyone there.  One Hundred and Six.

Every face was someone precious in the household.  Every one of them was a resource.  Every hand that could work kept the household together.  Every one of them were family.

“I just gave our fates to the wind.”  Laun waved towards the courtyard.  “But, with that wind, I hope that our friends will know we are here, that we do survive.  And to survive, we need to know each other, know our selves so, if the time comes, we can band together to not just survive, but to right the wrong that has torn this land.”

Laun saw a fist hesitate on it’s way up.  She pointed and the young man stood.  “Laun, you are my Lady.  Lady Salam-Dir.  This is my home.  Whatever you say that we need to do, I know I will try my best.”  He cleared his throat as his voice cracked a little.  “What do you want us to do?”

She turned and looked at the faces.  She saw in her mind the ones that were not with them, in the kitchen or with the merchant.  She had little in her mind right then from exhaustion other than the faces.  She said what came to mind.  “Be a family.  Treat each other well.  Feed each other.  Clothe each other.  Keep each other warm.”

Her arms spread out and she said, “I am just one among you.  How do you want to accomplish these things?”

A mumble became a rumble as many people started to talk over each other.  

Orgias’ voice could be clearly heard over all as she yelled, “Well If you don’t get off my benches, I’m going to put the lot of you to work in the kitchens!”  Laughter sounded and Laun dropped her arms.  She smiled.


Chapter 25 awaits. The nobles drag much of the household out for a hunt, Laun finds out about how she has been protected

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