Fact sheet - Traveling with BDSM gear

With the restrictions that have become standard for the travel industry, traveling with anything out of the ordinary can be dangerous. Traveling with any sexually oriented gear can delay you and your trip indeffinately.

So, you have been invited to a play party on the other side of the country and actually are going to go. What do you do with your gear?

Several professional travelers I know send the majority of their gear by way of a shipping company a week or so before they are going to be traveling. This works well as you know what you already have waiting for you and if you loose your luggage, you will still have something to use. If you don't have a place to send it at your destination, this could be a problem.

If you have to travel with your gear, a few things can help make it smoother when going thru security chek points.
Do not try to hide the items. Be straight forward with what that flogg is.
Put small things into clear bags. Fishing around for loose studs can take a while. And make sure you take out the vibrator batteries.
Do not travel with more than 3 ounces of liquid items. If it is something you can buy where you are going, do so and don't pack it with you.
Do put your name on and in items you are bringing. Just in case a kinky thief gets your favorite collar. Taking pictures of what you have packed can also help. Consider making a business card with your name on it and a 'kinky' occupation to hand to the inspector or security person.
Do not bring anything remotely odd in your purse or carry on. You will loose that set of claws as 'dangerous weopens'.

And for the sanity of us all, please do not travel with a vibrator or other object actually in use.

Go to the FBI, TSA, Amtrak, Airline and Airport websites to make sure that you are following their guidelines.

You have read the guidelines, now it is time to see if you will pass muster.

Do you have someone tht you can send the majority of your fetish gear to if you travel?__ Yes __No __Haven't thought about it

How much gear do you really need for your senes? __All of it!__ some of it__ just essential items__ nothing actually

Do you have a secure piece of luggage just for your fetish gear? __ Yes __no __It might be under the bed...