Fact Sheet - Smoshing
Smoshing has been around for quite some time, though only recently has it come
into the Media. Smoshing involves the use of Food for Fetish Play and Sexual
Smoshing can include the Sugars, like cakes and syrups, full meals and various
combinations of ingredients. Each has its own texture and gives different
feelings. Experiment with anything in your pantry to see what goes with what.
Try going for consistency, not taste, to begin with. a strange, but good, combination
is warmed oil(about body temp) with sugar stirred into it. Rub that over the
feet, the body and hands of someone, and they will be yours forever, or until
the next Smosh.
One precaution is to find out if your play partner(s) have any allergies. It
would be horrendous if, in the middle of having fun, you had to go to the hospital
covered with Chocolate sauce because of a reaction.
It is suggested that a drop cloth or tub be used, if you do not want to have
to call a professional cleaning company the next day.
With this little information, please answer the following questions.
How experienced with Smoshing are you?
Very ___ Some ___ Not very ___ Not at all ___
What combinations of food substances seem intriguing?
Oil and Sugar ___ Chocolate sauce and Whipped cream ___ Mashed Potatoes and
Gravy ___ Ice cream ___ Mixed Vegetables ___ Other? ___
Would you Smosh...?
Privately ___ In a group ___ With partner ___ In public ___ At a restaurant
What fantasies or images does Smoshing bring up in you?