Fact Sheet- Golden Showers
The name belies the fact that this is basically playing in and with urine.
The hot liquid streaming down over a hand or other body parts can be as intense
as any other sex play, and sometimes happens unintentionally with orgasming
If there was a fetish that intrigues and yet causes many taboos to come to
the surface, this is it. From watching, or being watched, on the pot while
urinating or being covered with urine, and possibly tasting it, Golden Shower
fetishes vary from person to person, and from situation to situation.
Several problems that occur from this fetish play come from urinary tract and
kidney infections. They can easily be transmitted without protection and/or
precautions, along with other STDs. We suggest a through cleansing of
your urinary tract before trying any of the Golden Showers play described here.
A good way to start a cleansing of your urinary tract is to drink about 1 gallon
of water in a 2 hour period of time. The first 32 oz or so will be easy, as
most people are slightly dehydrated without realizing it. If you do not go
to the bathroom within 3 hours of starting the water, do not drink more water.
Your system is probably slow about things, and you want to cleanse, not bloat.
Cut down on sugary soda and other drinks, but start drinking cranberry juice,
or take cranberry pills with water. Make sure you get at least 1 and 1/2 gallons
of liquid into you a day while you are cleansing. Wash your groin area thoroughly,
always from front to back to keep feces away, several times a day. Do not use
a harsh soap- water alone should work. Try eating live culture yogurt, unsugared,
to help get rid of bad cultures. If you experience a fiery urine or the color
of your urine changes drastically, go see a doctor to find out if you have
a urinary tract infection. If you do, please refrain from Golden Showers until
several days after you have finished your antibiotics. The remains of penicillin
and other antibiotics in urine can cause others to react if they are sensitive.
To simulate urine, I suggest putting warm water in a latex glove and poking
a hole in the tip of one finger. For women, this is a great way of seeing how
it is peeing while standing.
If you want to start in on Golden showers or other water sports, we suggest
getting a supply of latex or vinyl gloves to help keep things clean. A tub
or drop cloth will help keep things cleaner, too.
With precautions in place, please answer these questions-
How much are you into Golden Showers?
Light ___ Medium ___ Heavy ___ Unsure ___
Would you want to be the giver or receiver?
Give ___ Receive ___ Both ___ Just Watch ___