Back to Chapter 1 - The beginning of the series starts with The Slave Warrior
“The river is topping the bridge and we are not sure if it is going to last past the next rainstorm.”
The Spring thaw had brought a flood with it that year. Once the weather had changed, it had stayed warm, the pockets of snow and cold disappearing over a few warm weeks, not the good cool month it usually took. Hunter and the squad from Nestwood had come back for the almost bi-weekly personnel change with news that was not heartening.
“Well, if the bridge has to go, it has to go. Or it needs to be properly rebuilt with better foundations that don’t block the river.” Laun was sitting on a log outside the keep of Salam-Dir, talking with the men who had just traveled two days back to the land. It was early afternoon and she was reveling in not having to have cape and mittens on. Or boots. Her toes were covered with cold mud and she was squishing it around as the men were reporting on the last two weeks.
“After the floods have come down, but I am not sure that we will be able to get across at all if the bridge goes out.” Hunter was sitting on the log with her, one of his large hands on her leg and a smile on his face, even with the dire news. »Read More