« Posts tagged Erotica

If only Penthouse was actually like real life, would people believe it?

Story for Leathermines

Naked Cheerleaders.

Hooker Day.

Adulterous Lawyers.

Just trying to get a good hook for the next story.  All have some glimmer of a plot, some steamy scenes and a twist or two.  That is all you need for erotica, right?

If only the real life things that happen to me were believable.  Sometimes it sounds like a story out of Penthouse Letters.  This for example, the anonymous sub-



I went into a grocery store on the way to a play party, just a little late, but those things don’t really start until it has been dark out for a while.  I was dressed fairly conservatively with a long black wrap dress over my corseting and fishnets.  The platform heels were still quite striking and I know that the lacings along the outside were catching the silky fabric along the hem on occasion, but I just needed to get the cookies I had not had time to bake.  Typical for events like that.

Deciding between extra chewy and chocolate chunk in the snack isle, I noticed that there was a kid almost at the end of the isle staring at me.  I chose the chewy cookies and started for the check out.  I had to go past the kid and as I did, his eyes snapped to the shelf in front of him.  My skirt opened to show the top of my laced boot and I stopped right as I past him to adjust things before going to the register.  I knew his eyes were on me as I did so.

There were a few other times in the last month that I think I had seen this 18 or 19 year old in this store.  He was fairly bland, furtive with his glances.  Even when I had been wearing regular clothing, not the fetish wear I was wearing right then.  Some kids are just too nervous around women.

I stopped momentarily to look at a display of some vapid dvd’s and I saw out of the corner of my eye the kid scooting to the register.  I went to the only open one as he did and waited.  He glanced back nervously, his slightly long hair slipping into his eyes.  His hand wavered for an instant over the potato chips he had on the belt and then reached back and moved up the cookies I had set there.

I was... intrigued. »Read More

Mistress 12B: Secrets of an Afternoon Dominatrix.

This is an autobiography. This is a work of fiction. This is erotica. This is apocryphal.

This is my story.

Over the last twenty years, I have been many things. Out of high school, I went directly into a job at a retail outlet. I took a few classes while I was working and brought myself over from clerk to management. I met my husband and we were married. We had a daughter and I was happy.

I put my family first, my career second. Because of that, when my daughter was in an accident, I lost the best managerial job I ever had. I was spending time with my family, not with the store. I lost the job just three days after I buried my daughter.

I was devastated. My husband had a good job and he was able to hold us together both financially and emotionally as I worked through the crap that was in my head.

I want to make one thing clear. I am not a good housewife. Yes, I cook. Yes, I can do laundry. But the staying at home thing just isn’t for me. It took about a year for me to get back on my feet and by that time, the job market had fallen around my ears. So I was forced into being a housewife.

Several years went by. I ran my house like it was a business to keep my skills up. I had spreadsheets for the shopping. I made YTD reports on plantings and maintenance around the house. I... I was fooling myself into thinking I was being happy. But I kept busy.

I did not let myself slide into watching t.v. all the time. I found that I had the urge to turn to a certain channel at a certain time during the day and I stopped myself. I grabbed my laptop and found a coffee shop. The resumes were still going out, the rejections piddling in, when they thought to send one at all. I started to use the time away from home keeping myself away from the television to do research. About the jobs available to begin with. Then the skills I would need to catch up. And then about just about anything that caught my fancy that day.

I was able to get my husband off to work, do the chores that needed to be done that day and head out before lunch most days I didn’t have something actually scheduled. I would use several coffee shops, a few book stores and the library while I was out, trying to not go to any one more than once a week. I was still vain about not having a job and tried to make it look like I was just working on a project away from my office.

In the afternoon, I would get something to make for dinner and bring it home. I was very good at throwing things in a pot or pan and making it reasonably tasty. By the time my hubs was back from his commute, I was settled in with dinner ready, a show picked out and a willingness to listen to what he had to tell me about his day.

That didn’t change. Much.

I remember one morning when I was very agitated about something. I think it was about a problem with the car that had to be fixed, but the money had gone into something else. He left as usual, oblivious to the fact that I wanted to tear his head off. I fumed. I sat and looked at the dishes that needed to be done. I turned my back on the plants that were drooping by the window. And then I picked up my computer bag as usual and left.

I should also make clear that because we had to deal with just one car and he drove into work most days, I went to places that were either within about a mile of the house, or I took the bus. It is not unusual for people who work in the city to take the bus, so I did not feel odd doing this during the week.

The morning I wanted to rip off his head and see where he kept the pea-sized brain, I didn’t bother to put on the facade. I had my black yoga pants on under an oversized black shirt. No belt. No make-up. I had my hair up in a severe pony-tail and my shoes... Well, even before the rest of this story, I had this thing for shoes.

They were some of the last good shoes I had purchased before I was fired. $350 Sonja and Phillip stiletto strappy things that made my legs look gorgeous even if I felt as though the five inch heels were being rammed through the bottom of my foot within an hour of my wearing them. I had never stopped giving myself pedicures and the bright red toes showed through the Italian leather straps like a ruby among jet.

I brought out my punch card and had the luck that day to have a free coffee. After having a one-sided argument, having something go right made the day just a little better.

My ass was on one of the rickety wooden chairs, the laptop on the faux marble table in front of me. I had my legs crossed, the top foot flexing and circling as I had the first few sips of the thick coffee. It was not the best coffee, but the shop was only about a ten minute walk, even in those heels, so it was good enough.

A man moved through the coffee shop and sat near me. He had been near the front of the storefront and I had sat near the back. It is not unusual for people to wander around coffee shops and book stores, changing their seats to get better plugs or air-conditioning. I thought little about it, except he sat so that he could see me.

I have had years now of watching people in coffee shops. When people move to adjoining tables, the usual thing is to take the seat that looks away from the closest table, or to at least turn the chair so that it is looking at neutral territory, such as the order counter.

He did neither.

I ignored him. I was not in a mood to deal with strangers. If I had still been working, my assistant would have put a small red post-it note on my door to warn people.

My daily round of resumes and rejections only took a few minutes. That was actually nice. There were some days when corporate websites would take close to an hour to make me go through their hoops and accept the stuff I could have just mailed to their HR department. A simple email off to an ad I had seen in a local pulp paper and one turd in my IN box and I was done. I had run out of unemployment at least a year before, but it was a habit I did not want to let slide.

I hit StumbleUpon and looked at random things until something caught my attention and curiosity. At this point, I don’t even remember what it was. I started to delve into it, making notes and going deeper into the internet with each click. I was not paying attention.

I stretched after a while. I had been scrunched over the fake rock table long enough that my back was telling me to move. I reached up and back slightly, feeling things move and relax. My eyes met his and he smiled.

I don’t know why I smiled back. I moved in the chair and changed which leg was on top. I went back to the random research but paid more attention to him than I had.

His eye went down and stayed down. There was a small motion of his legs going together and apart. He looked around as if he were checking to see if someone was watching him, though his eyes did not go back up to mine. I moved my foot and he was riveted.

I sighed. I looked at the screen of my laptop and tried to look bored. I knew I had some sort of a pervert looking at my shoes and wanting to... At that point, I did not know what could be done with shoes, other than wear them.

I was feeling frustrated. I leaned back and crossed my arms over my chest. I motioned with my toe and his eye went up to mine again. He seemed to be more excited than embarrassed at my catching him. I was flippant and said, “Either kiss them or go the fuck away.”

By all that is holy, I swear he came in his pants when I said that.

He looked towards the front of the storefront and had big eyes when he looked at me again. He stood and I could see that he was pushing the fabric of his pants out, and not with something in his pocket. He dropped a pen which rolled conveniently under my chair. He knelt. There was a pause and his lips were on my shoe.

I was stunned. He was gone out the front of the Coffee shop before I was able to actually react.

I turned back to the table and stared at my laptop. I wasn’t actually seeing whatever was on it. I was trying to work out what had just happened. I could not think of anything else. I tried to concentrate on things, but couldn’t.

I made it home early that day. I was able to put something into the oven to slowly cook before I just sat on the couch, staring at the blank television.

My husband didn’t even notice that the dishes had not been done when he came home.

»Read More

Morning After

The scene of a tent with the remnants of a lecherous party.

The scene of a tent with the remnants of a lecherous party.

The tent seemed empty.  There had been only a few people there the night before, but the revelry and companionship had filled it until late into the night.

A sleepy dancer still lay under bedding made of her dancing skirts and the host’s caftan.  He had woken to deal with his livestock before the market was to open, not wanting to wake the girl who had performed so well for him the night before.

The candles had burned bright, the coins and baubles the dancers were wearing flashing in the golden light.  She had been sure-footed on the carpet covering the sandy soil beneath.  Her eyelids were darkened with kohl, the golden brown of her eyes seductive above her veil.  Her hips had moved with and against the beat of the drummer, a flair that caught his eye more than once.

The men he had been entertaining had enjoyed themselves.  A dancer for each of them, their time, and bodies, bought for the night.  He let the others choose first, to make sure they were in a great mood for negotiating the next day.  He was glad they had left this one for him.  The merchants had dragged the girls to them, one by one, pulling the veils back to reveal the beauty beneath.

As host, he led the activities, letting his guests know it was permissible to do what they wanted with the girls.  A glance to the drummer told him that their bodyguard would not let things get too out of hand, but he had been bought, too.  The girls’ veil was pulled back and she smiled.  He pulled her to him and they kissed, her sighs effecting the guests.  They kissed their own dancers before moving onto more. »Read More

Haiku of the day

The night is chilly

The warm flesh glows like embers

No sitting for them



We all get the stuff.  It is named after a product made of things you really don’t need to know about, but eat anyway.  We now have Spam-Filters in our email and easily can see what has been mass emailed by the misspellings and use of numbers for letters.

I regularly empty my junk mail box on my computer without even glancing at the subject lines.  I think most people do.  Since I don’t have a pen1s, I am sure I do not need to groth 4 her plesre.

But then...  Many odd circumstances start with that little phrase.  I was going along, emptying my email as usual, but then... »Read More


“Is she prettier than me?”

No relationship can survive that question.  And he was stopped in his tracks when she said it.

He tried not to look away.  He made it for a second and then had to turn away.  That was difficult as she was sitting on top of him, his cock in her cunt, her face inches away from his as her hands held his wrists above his head.

He closed his eyes and gasped out, “How can you ask me that?”

“Because you slept with her.”  Her hips moved and he gritted his teeth against the need to call out.  “When you said you were going to go help her with her shelving, I didn’t know it was her built in shelf.”

Even pinned and being fucked, he couldn’t hold back the laugh.  “Honey!  We negotiated about her.”  He moved his head and opened his eyes to see hers squinting at him.

She moved and pushed up so she was sitting upright on him.  “And she is younger than I am and she is in better condition...”  Her butt ground into him, making his balls twitch under her weight.  “She is prettier than me.”

He tried to move his hands so he could hold her.  Her fingernails went into his skin, into his ribs and he gasped.  “No fair!”

He did not like the sneer on her face.  “I am never fair.  You know that.”  She leaned back and his cock slapped his stomach as she stood on the bed.

“Sweetie!  Damnit!  I told you because you told me I had to.”

She walked over to her phone on the desk and typed in a text, glaring at him as she hit ‘send’.  She put down the phone and crossed her arms, just looking at him laying in the bunched bedding.  A small smile flashed across her lips as an unfamiliar phone rung in the next room.

He blinked.  She had set him up.  They were now both standing there, looking at him, smiles hiding none of the wickedness in them.

“So, you never answered.  Is she prettier than me?”

“Oh, fuck.”


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