The Slave Lady Chapter 55

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Nan’s baby was beautiful.  Laun broke down and bawled as Jake handed him to her. Only three days old, a light brown hair patch and eyes that could turn any color squinting and blinking at her from within the swaddling.

Nan was asleep in the birthing bed.  She was pale and Kell had started immediately talking with Pillar and Lutaris.  Blood loss had been a problem and they were not sure if she would pull through.

Her own babies started to kick and Laun felt her halter being soaked with what was coming out at the small cry from the baby in her arms.  It took a while for Laun to be able to speak as she sat with the first of the Salam-Dir babies in her arms.

“Has a name been chosen?”

Jake nodded.  “Nan wanted Tiss.  I was thinking Kell, but there are already several in the household.”

“Everyone wants to be named for a hero.”  Laun motioned to the healer.  “Even women.”  Laun kissed the baby on the nose and smiled at the slight wiggle he did.

“There is still a week to decide.  I just-”  Jake’s eyes went to the bed.  “I just hope she will be here for the blessing.”

Laun handed the baby back and nodded.  “With three healers, I am sure we will have her bossing you around soon.”

Jake held the baby to his chest and kissed Laun on the forehead.  “Yes, Highness.”

Laun puckered her lips but did not nay-say him.  It was strange having her household family call her Highness.  She needed to find her way to a room and strip and get the three pointed crown off of her so that she could just be Laun again.

It had taken two hours to get as far as the nursery.  Some was on Thunder riding in, looking over what had been done to the land while she was gone.  Some of it was being descended upon by those who had not been able to get to the barrier in small groups along the way.  Some of it was finding the privy and spending time fighting her bowels.

Laun was surrounded by people at all times.  Touching and being touched.  Warrior’s grips.  Kisses and embraces.  And showing off the bellies of the women in the household.

Laun left the healers to tend to the bedridden mother after she was able to say a greeting to Nan, even though the friend was not aware.  The people outside the door came to her, more people greeting her.  She saw new faces and Silar had explained that he had hired fifty men before he went back, thirty of which still were alive and with them.  Laun greeted them and thanked each one.

A familiar shy face was in back of several ranks of the people in the corridor.  Laun motioned and Ali was by her.  Ali was different, but the same and Laun felt the love in her boy as Ali’s arms went around her.  Ali was not wearing breeches and had let her hair grow.  Laun’s hand was placed on Ali’s belly.

Laun hugged Ali tighter.  She had to let go as Ali turned slightly green and had to lean against the wall to let the wave of nausea pass.

Laun was swept down the corridor by the push of people, little bits of gossip and conversation and plans offered to her as they walked along.  Laun wanted to talk to everyone, hug everyone, but it was getting to be a little much.  With only a few pauses along the way to greet people and be shown a few things, Laun was at the door of her room.

Orgia and Geralk were standing there.  They looked happy together and happier that she was finally home.  Laun was hugged and poked and stroked while out in the hall.  Orgia was delaying, and Laun could tell.

“Rearranging things?”

Orgia looked embarrassed.  “If you had given us any warning...”

Laun had several things she wanted to say, but just hugged the older woman.  “Just a mat and a bowl of water to wash in and I’ll be happy.”

Some of the staff Laun had not seen yet came out of the room, Laun hugging and greeting them as they went past.

They had been putting the mats down, putting fresh linens on the bedding and putting flowers in the room.  Making it as much her room as it had been, and a little more to celebrate her return.  Laun left the door open and walked to the window.  It was late afternoon, the sun still had hours to go, but the glow that she saw washing over the courtyard and trees was as if it were pure gold to Laun.

Laun was not alone, but most of the people that had trailed after her stayed in the corridor and landing.  Laun kicked off her slippers, walked over the mats and laid on the bed.  It smelled new, the sweetgrass and heather strong in the mattress.  Ali found her way in and onto the bed, arms around Laun and tears in both their eyes.  Silar came in, stripped to his loincloth and knelt at the side of the bed.  Hazalam and Gem were hand-in-hand as they found Laun and knelt on the mattress beside the large, dark man.  Disa had been one of those to greet her in the Great Hall, but she seemed more than happy to be giving Laun another deep kiss before climbing up on the bed on the other side of Ali.

More people came in, most just to touch and greet again and leave.  The door was open and Laun was tired, but she was happy to have her people feel free enough to just walk in and see her.

Fount and Hunter came to the door, talking in a short-hand that only siblings can do.  Laun heard some wrestling and Fount was pushed through the door by his larger brother.  Hunter saw Laun surrounded with people as she was and looked like he wanted to at least hang back if not leave.  Laun motioned to Fount and he came to kiss her, and then kissed Ali.

Laun saw and felt and heard.  Ali and Fount had bonded and Laun was happy, but also sad that she had missed it.  Laun waited and then said in a soft voice, “I hope Helmic taught you boys to share...”

Fount had a few emotions go through him and were obvious on his face.  He looked at the Sergeant and back to Laun.  The half-smile he had looked so much like the one his brother used as he said, “For once he had my hand me downs.”

Laun punched him in the arm and then dragged him down to her for another kiss.  She motioned to Hunter who came forward hesitantly.  She beckoned to him and he leaned down to be within reach for Laun to pull him in for a kiss.  Laun felt a few emotions run through the room and just a little bit of an intake of air.  But Fount smiled at his brother when Hunter stood from the kiss.

“It is good to be home.”

End Book Two

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